ให้เพื่อนๆ ของคุณเลย!
Path 1 - Walker and Butterfly
Path 2 - Blindness and Celestia
Path 3 - Void and Remnantite
Path 4 - Seeker and Guardian
Path 5 - Promise and Wishes
Path 6 - Strategy and Conspirasy
Path 7 - Strategy and Conspirasy (2)
Path 8 - Strategy and Conspirasy (3)
Path 9 - Escape and Begining
Path 10 - Daybreak <26 June>
Path 11 - Vitinia and The empty god (1)
Path 12 - Vitinia and The empty god (2)
Path 13 - Vitinia and The empty god (3)
Path 14 - Vitinia and The empty god(4)
Path 15 - Vitinia and the empty god (5)
Path 16 - Outcome and Sequel
Path 17 - Outcome and Sequel (2)
Path 18 - Outcome and Sequel (3)
Path 19 - Gravity and Stone
Path 20 - Sword and Pollen
Path 21 - Dead end and Annihilation
Path 22 - Broken and Awaken (1)
Path 23 - Broken and Awaken (2)
Path 24 - Broken and Awaken (END)
Path 25 - Hope and decision (1)
Path 26 - Hope and decision (2)
Path 27 : Battle of the Vitinia (1)
Path 28 - Battle of the Vitinia (2)
Path 29 - Battle of the Vitinia (3)
Path 30 - Battle of the Vitinia (4)
Path 31 - Battle of the Vitinia (End)
Path 32 - Joy and Guests
Path 33 - Left hand and Right hand
Path 34 - Daybreak <3 September>
Path 35 - Daybreak (2)
Path 36 - Daybreak <4 September>
Path 37 - Values and Answers
Path 38 - Daybreak <5 September>
Path 39 - Reason and You
Path 40 - Reason and You (2)
Path 41 - Daris-Neel and Phact (1)
Path 42 - Daris-Neel and Phact (2)
Path 43 - Lefaria and Pathership
Path 44 - Emperor and Empress
Path 45 - Liar and Guilt
Path 46 - Fate and Catastrophe (1)
Path 47 - Fate and Catastrophe (2)
Path 48 - Fate and Catastrophe (3)
Path 49 - Fate and Catastrophe (4)
Path 50 - Deviate and Diversion
Path 51 - Checkerboard and Despair (1)
Path 52 - Usnar, Asthra and Esla
Path 53 - Checkerboard and Despair (2)
Path 54 - Checkerboard and Despair (3)
Path 55 - Checkerboard and Despair (4)
Path 56 - Checkerboard and Despair (End)
Path 57 - Battle of the Esla (1)
Path 58 - Battle of the Esla (2)
Path 59 - Battle of the Esla (3)
Path 60 - Battle of the Esla (4)
Path 61 - Battle of the Esla (End)
Path 62 : 3rd move and Enigma (1)
Path 63 - 3rd move and Enigma (End)
Path 64 - The Shadow and The Core (1)
Path 65 - The shadow and The core (2)
Path 66 - The truth behind Truths
Path 67 - The profound truth behind Truths
Path 68 - Daybreak <2 November>
Path 69 - Daybreak <3 November>
Path 70 - Dignity and Tear
Path 71 - Phact and Rolvess
Path 72 - The solidars and Pre coronation (1)
Path 73 - The solidars and Pre coronation (2)
Path 74 - The solidars and Pre conronation (3)
Path 75 - The solidars and Pre coronation (4)
Path 76 - The solidars and Pre coronation (5)
Path 77 - The solidars and Pre coronation (end)
Path 78 - Battle of the Coronation tower (1)
Path 79 - Battle of the Coronation tower (2)
Path 80 - Battle of the Coronation tower (3)
Path 81 - Battle of the Coronation tower (4)
Path 82 - Battle of the Coronation tower (5)
Path 83 - Battle of the Coronation tower (6)
Path 84 - Battle of the Coronation tower (end)
Path 85 - Trials and Ascension (1)
Path 86 - The Crevasse and Investigation (1)
Path 87 - The Crevasse and Investigation (2)
Path 88 - The Crevasse and Investigation (3)
Path 89 - Deceiver and Misleading (1)
Path 90 - Deceiver and Misleading (2)
Path 91 - Fall and Rise (1)
Path 92 - Fall and Rise (2)
Path 93 - Fall and Rise (3)
Path 94 - Battle of the Crevasse (1)
Path 95 - Battle of the Crevasse (2)
Path 96 - Battel of the Crevasse (3)
Path 97 - Battle of the Crevasse (4)
Path 98 - Meaning of Identity
Path 99 - Beginning of the Astral Alter (1)
Path 100 - Trials and Ascension (2)
Path 101 - Trials and Ascension (3)
Path 102 - Trials and Ascension (4)
Path 103 - Predator and Prey (1)
Path 104 - Predator and Prey (2)
Path 105 - Predator and Prey (3)
Path 106 - Predator and Prey (4)
Path 107 - Predator and Prey (5)
Path 108 - The king and The failure (1)
Path 109 - The king and The failure (2)
Path 110 - Your shadow... forever
Path 111 - The king and the failure (3)
Path 112 - Evil or good (1)
Path 113 - Evil or good (2)
Path 114 - Evil or good (3)
Path 115 - Battle of the Phact (1)
Path 116 - Battle of the Phact (2)
Path 117 - Battle of the Phact (3)
Path 118 - Battle of the Phact (4)
Path 119 - Past, now and future (1)
Path 120 - Past, now and future (2)
Path 121 - Past, now and future (end)
Path 122 - Declaration and Age of change
Path 123 - Daybreak (24 December)
Path 124 - Daybreak <25 December>
Path 125 - Daybreak <25 December>
Path 126 - Daybreak <27 December>
Path 127 - Del and Cordiality
Path 128 - Choice and Unit0
Path 129 - Battle of the Verge Helena (1)
Path 130 - Battle of the Verge Helena (2)
Path 131 - Battle of the Verge Helena (3)
Path 132 - Battle of the Verge Helena (4)
Path 133 - The empire and Invitation (1)
Path 134 - The empire and Invitation (2)
Path 135 - The empire and Invitation (3)
Path 136 - Daybreak <19 January>
Path 137 - Imprisonment and Freedom
Path 138 - Daybreak <20 January>
Path 139 - Helene and Sarina (1)
Path 140 - Helene and Sarina (2)
Path 141 - Helene and Sarina (3)
Path 142 - Civil war and Survival (1)
Path 143 - Civil war and Survival (2)
Path 144 - Evolution and Revolution (1)
Path 145 - Evolution and Revolution (2)
Path 146 - Revolution and Evolution (3)
Path 147 - Battle of the Empire (1)
Path 148 - Battle of the Empire (2)
Path 149 - Battle of the Empire (3)
Path 150 - Battle of the Empire (4)
Path 151 - Battle of the Empire (5)
Path 152 - Battle of the Empire (6)
Path 153 - Battle of the Empire (7)
Path 154 - Conclusion and Emptiness
Path 155 - Yggdrasil and Blood (1)
Path 156 - The immortal bird
Path 157 - Yggdrasil and Blood (2)
Path 158 - Yggdrasil and Blood (3)
Path 159 - Yggdrasil and Blood (4)
Path 160 - Friends and Memory (1)
Path 161 - Friends and Memory (2)
Path 162 - Battle of the Yggdrasil (1)
Path 163 - Battle of the Yggdrasil (2)
Path 164 - Battle of the Yggdrasil (3)
Path 165 - Battle of the Yggdrasil (4)
Path 166 - Daybreak <2 March>
Path 167 - Daybreak <20 February>
Path 168 - Template and History (1)
Path 169 - Template and History (2)
Path 170 - Template and History (3)
Path 171 - Rise of the Null-gazer (1)
Path 172 - Rise of the Null-gazer (2)
Path 173 - Rise of the Null-gazer (3)
Path 174 - Rise of the Null-gazer (4)
Path 175 - Split and Glitch (1)
Path 176 - Split and Glitch (2)
Path 177 - Vision and Purpose
Path 178 - Battle of the Null-gazer (1)
Path 179 - Battle of the Null-gazer (2)
Path 180 - Battle of The null-gazer (3)
Path 181 - Battle of the Null-gazer(4)
Path 182 - Battle of the Null-gazer (5)
Path 183 - Hack and Control (1)
Path 184 - Hack and Control (2)
Path 185 - Rise of the Null-gazer (end)
Path 186 - Interlude1 Politic
Path 187 - Interlude2: Recover
Path 188 - My resolve and our promise (1)
Path 189 - Interlude 3: Forever
Path 190 - My resolve and Our promise (2)
Path 191 - Era of War (1)
Path 192 - Era of war (2)
Path 193 - A night before dawn
Path 194 - Empire and Union (1)
Path 195 - Daybreak <15 May>
Path 196 - Daybreak <15 May> Part2
Path 197 - Daybreak 16 May
Path 198 - Me or Something else
Path 199 - Daybreak 20June
Path 200 - String and Stalemate
Path 201 - Platform and Operating system