ให้เพื่อนๆ ของคุณเลย!
Ch 1 : When we 1st met
Ch 1.5 : Lin's ghost diary I
Ch 2 : Momentary of the 2nd encounter
Ch 2.5 : Lin's ghost diary II
Ch 3-1 : 3rd dimension in Event Horizon I
Ch 3-2 (Vol.1 end) : 3rd dimension in Event Horizon II
Ch 3.5 ; Lin,s gh▆st dia▆y III
Ch 4 : the Case of Bird statue
Ch 4.5 : Lin's ghost diary IV
Ch 5 : the Curse of Bird statue
Ch 6 : a Path to Bird statue
Ch 6.5 : Lin's ghost diary V
Ch 7 : Come, Sweet Death
Ch 8 : Across the Line
Ch 8.5 : Lin's part-time diary
Ch 9 : Devil_Wired
Ch 10 : Replikənt (part 1)
Ch 11 : Replikənt (part 2)
Ch 12 : a Step Away (Vol.2 END)
Ch 13 : Dogma
Ch 13.5 : Sixth Sense: Ritual (PC Game)
Ch 14 : Calcium Carbonate
ฝากด้วยครับ >W< ตอน2แล้วว [ facebookpage: 7BR ART ] [ instagram: cvil__7 ] [ deviantart: 7eslieblackrock ]