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dukung komikusnya terus berkarya!
Chapter 0: Prison Toys (1)
Chapter 0: Prison Toys (2)
Chapter 0: Prison Toys (3)
Chapter 1: Teeth & Leaves (1)
Chapter 1: Teeth & Leaves (2)
Chapter 1: Teeth & Leaves (3)
Chapter 1: Teeth & Leaves (4)
Chapter 1: Teeth & Leaves (5)
Chapter 1: Teeth & Leaves (6)
Chapter 1: Teeth & Leaves (7)
Chapter 1: Teeth & Leaves (8)
Chapter 1: Teeth & Leaves (9) [FINALE]
Chapter Special: 1K FAV EVENT
Chapter 2: Crackheads (1)
Special Chapter: Little Dreams (1K Event)
Chapter 2: Crackheads (2)
Chapter 2: Crackheads (3)
Chapter 2: Crackheads (4)
Chapter 2: Crackheads (5)
Chapter 2: Crackheads (6)
Chapter 2: Crackheads (7)
Chapter 2: Crackheads (8)
Chapter 2: Crackheads (9)
Chapter 2: Crackheads (10)
Chapter 2: Crackheads (11)
Chapter 2: Crackheads (12)
Chapter 2: Crackheads (13)
Chapter 2: Crackheads (14) [FINALE]
RECAP Chapters: Prison Toys - Crackheads
Chapter 3: A Room with a View (1)
Chapter 3: A Room with a View (2)
Chapter 3: A Room with a View (3)
Chapter 3: A Room with a View (4)
Chapter 3: A Room with a View (5)
Chapter 3: A Room with a View (6)
Chapter 3: A Room with a View (7,1) [FINALE]
Chapter 3: A Room with a View (7,2) [FINALE]
Special Chapter: 6th LN Anniversary
Chapter 4: A Little Warmth (1)
Chapter 4: A Little Warmth (2)
Chapter 4: A Little Warmth (3)
Chapter 4: A Little Warmth (4)
Chapter 4: A Little Warmth (5)
Chapter 4: A Little Warmth (6)
Chapter 4: A Little Warmth (7)
Chapter 4: A Little Warmth (8)
Chapter 4: A Little Warmth (9)
Chapter 4: A Little Warmth (10)
Chapter 4: A Little Warmth (11)
Chapter 4: A Little Warmth (12) [FINALE]
Special Chapter: SixTEEN (4K Event)
Chapter 5: Old Friends Anew (1)
Chapter 5: Old Friends Anew (2)
Chapter 5: Old Friends Anew (3)
Chapter 5: Old Friends Anew (4)
Special Chapter: SixTEEN (Mystery Box)
Chapter 5: Old Friends Anew (5)
Thor mau bagi bagi THR nih, ayo cari 16 digit angka & huruf! Siapa cepat dia dapat! Kali ini thor ga typo lagi kok. Yang dapet langsung lapor ke thor yaa. Terima kasih untuk kalian semua yang terus support karya karyaku atau bahkan sampai membaca semua komik buatanku (bisa di cek di creator profile :>), semoga kalian semua dilancarkan rezekinya, aamiin. Minal Aidin Wal Faizin ♡