Bagikan webtoon ini dan
dukung komikusnya terus berkarya!
EP. 1 - Hari Pertama Sekolah
EP. 2 - Masih Ada Aku Disini
EP. 3 - RUN!!!
EP. 4 - Let Them Go
EP. 5 - Vampir, Werewolf, dan Manusia
EP. 6 - In The Dark Room
EP. 7 - In The Dark Room (Part 2)
EP. 8 - Alasan
EP. 9 - Jawaban
EP. 10 - Syarat
EP. 11 - Terimakasih Nanase
EP. 12 - TEAM A
EP. 13 - Serigala Berbulu Domba
EP. 14 - The Day Befor the Storm
EP. 15 - The Battle
EP. 16 - Kenangan yang Hilang
EP. 17 - Hoshina Ryuji
Happy 3rd Birthday KAKERU (Part 1)
Happy 3rd Birthday KAKERU (Part 2)
EP. 18 - MonaLisa
EP. 19 - Girlfriends
EP. 20 - Kisah 1000 Tahun yang Lalu
EP. 21 - Rules
EP. 22 - Who Are You?
EP. 23 - Janji yang Diingkari
EP. 24 - Crack
EP. 25 - Be Professional
EP. 26 - Berusaha
EP. 27 - Bento
EP. 28 - Ancaman
Happy 4th BDay KAKERU!!
EP. 29 - Uji Coba
EP. 30 - Aku Lelah
EP. 31 - Ikatan
EP. 32 - HER
EP. 33 - Kutukan yang Sesungguhnya
EP. 34 - Pertunjukan
EP. 35 - Kuroyama
EP. 36 - True Identity
Happy 5th Birthday KAKERU!!!
Happy New Year!! feat CANVASATHOR
Webinal proudly present : SATNIGHT RIDE
EP. 37 - Ternyata...
EP. 38 - Pembicaraan Penting
The Goddess : The Myth of WEBINAL
EP. 39 - Impian
Pengumuman~ Read me Please
Canvasathor : Card Royale Deck Event
Dukung KAKERU di Webtoon Contest 2023