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Teaser Ep - The Eclosion of a Fire
1st Sparkle
2nd Sparkle - Au 7e ciel
3rd Sparkle - That Escalated Quickly
4th Sparkle - Malentendu
5th Sparkle - Se mouiller
Bonus - Joyeuses fêtes !
6th Sparkle - Trop étroit
7th Sparkle - Show time
8th Sparkle - Le tyran
Bonus Saint-Valentin + Annonce
9th Sparkle - C'était rapide
10th Sparkle - Simple question
Bonus - Merci
11th Sparkle - Averse d'émotions
12th Sparkle - TEF
13th Sparkle - Soirée Pyjama
14th Sparkle - Le bon jambonneau
Annonce - Scarlet Moonlight
La fin, et le commencement d'une nouvelle aventure
Reprise ?