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Chap. 1 A new opportunity
Chap. 2 The other side
Chap. 3 Completing the Symbiosis
Chap. 4 The consequences of a war
Chap. 5 Destruction of a city
Chap. 6 The End Of One Life Announces The Beginning Of Anot
Chap. 7 The first meeting
Chap. 8 The Incredible Capabilities Of A Shadow Servant
Chap. 9 Leaving the city
Chap. 10 Making a Decision
Chap. 11 Mental Temple City
Chap. 12 Background Machine
Chap. 13 Grower School
Chap. 14 Hidden Place
Chap. 15 Cultivating energy
Chap. 16 Cultivation Methods
Chap. 17 Special Energy
Chap. 18 Internal space
Chap. 19 First step of the new world
Chap. 20 Union (+18)
Chap. 21 Building the foundation
Chap. 22 Telling Its Origin
Chap. 23 Particle Collision
Chap. 24 Daniela Returns
Chap. 25 Pill Shop
Chap. 26 Consequences of offending a grower
Chap. 27 Treatment
Chap. 28 Vital energy in action
Chap. 29 The girl group
Chap. 30 Situation of Esther