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Become a PatronGeorge Patton - A Man Must Know His Destiny
Carl Sagan - Make the Most of This Life
Steve Jobs - Your Time Is Limited
Dalai Lama Answers a Question
Neil Gaiman - Make Good Art
Phil Plait - Welcome to Science
Neil Armstrong - A Giant among Men
Dr.Seuss - Those who Mind Don't Matter
Malala Yousafzai - I Have the Right
John Green - Make Gifts for People
Amy Poehler - Great People Do Things before They Are Ready/
Rilke - Live the Questions
Kevin Smith - It Costs Nothing to Encourage an Artist
Max Ehrmann - Desiderata
My Spirit Is a Roaring Sea
IRA GLASS: Advice for beginners
CALVIN COOLIDGE: Never give up!
HOWARD THURMAN: What makes you come alive?
TEDDY ROOSEVELT: The man in the arena
SHAOLIN MONK: Always be prepared
Mountains and Valleys
BRUCE LEE: There are no limits
THOREAU: On happiness
FRANK HERBERT: Litany against fear
CHRIS HADFIELD: An astronaut's advice
STEPHEN FRY: Ultimate self-help book
NEIL deGRASSE TYSON: The most astounding fact
CARL SAGAN: Books are awesome
RANDY PAUSCH: The brick walls
SAMUEL BECKETT: Ever tried. Ever failed.
HENRY ROLLINS: The crazier man
BILL HICKS: It's just a ride
CHRIS GUILLEBEAU: 11 ways to be unremarkably average
The Two Wolves
ALAN WATTS: What if money was no object?
Around the corner
TIMOTHY LEARY: Find the others
To Love At All
SENECA: Sympathy for the devil
SOPHIE SCHOLL: The fire within
JACK LONDON: I'd rather be ashes than dust
Winds of Fate
Playing the Game
ROGER EBERT: On Kindness
TERENCE McKENNA: Nature Loves Courage
TAYLOR MALI: What teachers make
MARIE CURIE: Life is not easy
C.P. CAVAFY: Ithaka
J. KRISHNAMURTI: Don't compare yourself to others
TAGORE: The joy of life
TIM MINCHIN: Be hard on your opinions
JOHN LENNON: Produce your own dream
RICHARD FEYNMAN: The beauty of a flower
BRENE BROWN: The woman in the arena
Invictus: A tribute to NELSON MANDELA
ALBERT CAMUS: An invincible summer
DALAI LAMA: We are all human beings
STANLEY KUBRICK answers a question
JIM HENSON: A puppeteer's advice
MAYA ANGELOU: Phenomenal Woman
BANKSY: Taking the piss (explicit)
ROBERT KENNEDY: A ripple of hope
It couldn't be done
SHONDA RHIMES: Dreamer or Doer?
KEN ROBINSON: Full Body Education
AMELIA EARHART: The fears are paper tigers
MARK TWAIN: An educational journey
GEORGE MALLORY: Because it's there
ELEANOR ROOSEVELT: Courage is exhilarating
The Calling
KAHLIL GIBRAN: Work is love made visible
A Mutual Weirdness
ISAAC ASIMOV: A lifetime of learning
CHRIS HARDWICK: The Gift of Life
MARGARET KNIGHT: Following out my nature
SHAKESPEARE: All the World's a Stage
8 tips to be more creative by Zen Pencils
BILL WATTERSON: A Cartoonist's Advice
A Meditation by Marcus Aurelius
Frida Kahlo, the "HEROINE OF PAIN"
The Stonecutter
Advice for Beginners
Great People Do Things Before They're Ready
Life Jacket
Litany Against Fear
LANG LEAV: Your life
On the Mindless Menace of Violence