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EP 1: Quasar
EP 1: Quasar (PT.2)
EP 2: Asteroid
EP 2: Asteroid (PT.2)
MiniEp: Heavy
The Cosmic Shenanigans Contiune
EP 3: Galaxy
EP 3: Galaxy (PT.2)
EP 4: Binaries
EP 4: Binaries (PT.2)
EP 5: Outer Planets
EP 5: Outer Planets (PT .2)
EP 5: Outer Planets (PT.3)
EP 6: Inner Planets
EP 6: Inner Planets (PT.2)
Hiatus-Returning DEC. 24th (Concept Art & More)
UPDATE-Learning Together
EP 6: Inner Planets (PT.3)
EP 6: Inner Planets (PT.4)
EP 6: Inner Planets (PT.5)
EP 6: Inner Planets (PT.6)
Libra’s Data Log EP 1: Download
EP 7: Pocket Dimension
EP 7: Pocket Dimension (PT.2)
EP 7: Pocket Dimension (PT.3)
This ends the first episode! Thank you so much for reading! I had way to much fun coloring these pages! I will be updating once a week every Saturday. If you enjoyed Youniverse, please like subscribe, comment, and or rate it. I cannot tell you enough how excited I am!