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Become a PatronA Call in the Wild
Eager to Please
Classroom Experience vs Practical Experience
Enter Phoenix
Two Veterans and a Rookie
Waste Not, Want Not
A Good Leader Watches Out For Her Pack
Busy But Alert. Then Just Alert.
Penny For Syrene's Thoughts?
Time To Return Home
Conversation Cut Short
Spears are useless against Bones, not so much wolves!
Routine Field Surgery
The Weight of Leadership
Even Good Friends Respect the Chain of Command
Captain Night's Nerves Get A Reprieve
Let's Hope Glade Hasn't Eaten the Elk Already
Yes, I said it was a cow elk before.
A Captain's Concern Runs Deep
My best guess at what extroverts think about
Captain Night is No-Nonsense This Morning!
She Can't Outrun This
Rose Getting Ready To Tell Syrene What's What
Rose Isn't Just a Medic, She's a Therapist
Enough heavy talk. Time for something lighter.
From bonebreaking to Bones
Shouting and Howling Orders
Fighting Bones with a plan > Fighting Bones without a plan
The Emotions That Entice Bones
Warriors wearing themselves out in defense of their home
Olympia is the best bird
Introducing General Gideon Hill
One journey ends so another can begin!
Gideon finds more evidence to corroborate his fears
In case you ever wondered what Syrene was fighting for
Walkable cities > car-centric hellscapes
Based on the memories of seeing my first play
Middle of the second season? Time for a lore dump!
A second, more intimate, debriefing
We've now met three of the seven Night siblings!
Milk is the social drink for wolves, with no downsides
Rose joins the party!
It's just too early to tell.
Penelope can't help but give Rose a hard time
Time? Who has Time?
Kodi gets a reminder about who he is
Asking a man out in front of his sister. Rose is a bold one!
Summer and Syrene have a laugh at Snow's expense
Their love burns brighter than ever
A large, verdant park in the middle of a dense city
Phoenix and Rose have their first date
Phoenix and Rose Finish Their First Date
Phoenix has had a busy night
Syrene likes to play 'Mother', even for Phoenix!
An Uncomfortable Breakfast
Friends and family come to show their support
There are no secrets when a niece is present
Remembering why they came in the first place
Phoenix is the only man in a room full of women!
Snow makes jokes to cover up his anxiety
Yes, I misspelled bastion. No, I'm not going to fix it.
Time to Suit Up
Syrene fears her daughter will take after her
The Night family says goodbye
Even fierce warriors can be overcome by emotion
Kodi and Syrene are being sent to Fenrisgard!
What a way to start off: being soaked in the rain!
Outposts are publicly-funded inns/fortresses between cities
Amber is curious, but never nosey!
A little reading before bed
Out with the old
Goodbye Crystal Canyon Outpost, hello open road!
Kodi doesn't aspire to a position of power
Syrene dreams of her husband Snow. Why is he wearing armor?
A rude awakening
Syrene blames herself. Again.
Kodi is a lot like his friend Phoenix. Willing to listen!
Ophelia is so happy to see her "younger" brother!
Introducing King Cedric and Queen Seraphina
A family, reunited.
Talking while cooking
Table talk at the Finch household
Dessert. Next episode will be a heavy one!
The king and his son speak openly and candidly
Queen Seraphina started from the most humble of beginnings
Seraphina is glad to get rid of the only secret she had
You won't find a story like this anywhere else!
Syrene tries on a fancy dress, with mixed feelings
Felicity knows how soldiers think
Just some women talking politics
Wandering the streets of Fenrisgard
Tonya is a loving wife and mother, and an aspiring author!
Enter, Syrene's parents-in-law
Parents-in-law want every detail
In the home of the royal family
Without class divides, anything is possible
Kodi needs two things: Experience and Confidence
Syrene writes a rare letter
The letter continues
Season 3, completed!
Thus begins the fourth season
The first report
Wolf soldiers care for their brothers and sisters in arms
Wolves at Sea
Insert favorite sea shanty
South River City has it easy, but isn't taking it easy
Welton might just be the key to the coming war
The Iron Heights is a city over 12,000 feet in elevation!
Cornerstone was built to be the city of the future
Gilliam Joins Syrene and the king and queen for lunch
Ophelia brings lunch to share with Kodi
Defense before offense
Enemy: Unknown
A government that values honesty and transparency
Private, or Prince?
The power of the press
Even the throne is an elected position
See this? This is how media should portray families!
After-dinner drinks
The royal family's conversations cover all manner of topics
Sibling rivalry never sleeps
Seraphina plays Cedric like a fiddle
The power of the press
Sparring is a bit like tennis, when you think about it
The family that spars together, stays together
Seraphina's skill is with pole-arms more than swords
When you've earned the trust of your people
Once a cavalier, always a cavalier
News carried along the air
Cutting through the Bureaucracy
A small jump back in time
Milena is Snow's wheelchair-bound boss
Raise the alarm!
To the wall!
Disciplined defenders
Bones, meet the wolves' siege weaponry
The battle is in the wolves' favor, for now
Workplace accidents
Phoenix is relieved from duty for the day
I should actually write that children's book one day
While war rages outside, this home is still safe
It's been a long day
Comfort food, uncomfortable topic
Rose loves to sew
A quiet but tense night
Scouting in front of the army
The siege almost seems routine now
Hope arriving with the dawn
Farewell before the battle
Channeling King Theoden's "Ride to ruin!"
Silver is a brave child
General Hill leads his force into battle
Time to unite the forces
No time to chat, only give orders and fight
Two cities united
Snow Night: Stonemason, soldier, archer, watchman
Tearful Reunion
Nera sees her brother's family reunited!
Celebration is in order!