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Become a PatronPrologue
001 (1/4) The Underworld
001 (2/4) The Underworld
001 (3/4) The Underworld
001 (4/4) The Underworld
002 (1/4) Lost
002 (2/4) Lost
002 (3/4) Lost
002 (4/4) Lost
003 (1/4) Going Home
003 (2/4) Going Home
003 (3/4) Going Home
003 (4/4) Going Home
004 (1/3) The Wounded Man
004 (2/3) The Wounded Man
004 (3/3) The Wounded Man
005 (1/3) Disappointed
005 (2/3) Disappointed
005 (3/3) Disappointed
006 (1/2) Thanatos
006 (2/2) Thanatos
007 (1/4) Cronus
007 (2/4) Cronus
007 (3/4) Cronus
007 (4/4) Cronus
008 (1/3) Meeting
008 (2/3) Meeting
008 (3/3) Meeting
009 (1/4) Worried
009 (2/4) Worried
009 (3/4) Worried
009 (4/4) Worried
010 (1/4) Three-Headed Beast
010 (2/4) Three-Headed Beast
010 (3/4) Three-Headed Beast
010 (4/4) Three-Headed Beast
Christmas 2020 Collaboration
Special Illustration
011 (1/3) Him Again?!
011 (2/3) Him Again?!
011 (3/3) Him Again?!
012 (1/3) Mad
012 (2/3) Mad
012 (3/3) Mad
013 (1/3) Tartarus
013 (2/3) Tartarus
013 (3/3) Tartarus
Valentine 2021 Collaboration
014 (1/3) Surrounded
014 (2/3) Surrounded
014 (3/3) Surrounded
Q & A Section #01
015 (1/3) Enraged
015 (2/3) Enraged
015 (3/3) Enraged
016 (1/3) Something is Wrong
016 (2/3) Something is Wrong
016 (3/3) Something is Wrong
017 (1/3) My Ability
017 (2/3) My Ability
017 (3/3) My Ability
018 (1/2) War
018 (2/2) War
019 Asphodel Meadows
020 (1/2) Battle of Asphodel Meadows
020 (2/2) Battle of Asphodel Meadows
021 (1/3) Back to Tartarus
021 (2/3) Back to Tartarus
021 (3/3) Back to Tartarus
022 Elysium
023 (1/2) Need Some Time
023 (2/2) Need Some Time
024 (1/2) My Feeling
024 (2/2) My Feeling
025 (1/2) Hades
025 (2/2) Hades
026 It Reminds Me of Her
027 (1/2) Anxiousness
027 (2/2) Anxiousness
028 (1/2) Waiting
028 (2/2) Waiting
029 (1/2) Take a Walk
029 (2/2) Take a Walk
030 (1/2) Me Time
030 (2/2) Me Time
031 (1/2) In Crisis
031 (2/2) In Crisis
032 (1/2) Strange
032 (2/2) Strange
033 (1/2) You're Mine
033 (2/2) You're Mine
Halloween Collaboration 2021
034 (pt.1) Priceless
034 (pt.2) Priceless
035 (pt.1) Hecate
035 (pt.2) Hecate
036 (pt.1) Erys' Thoughts
036 (pt.2) Erys' Thoughts
037 (pt.1) Hades' Thoughts
037 (pt.2) Hades' Thoughts
038 (pt.1) - Hecate's Thoughts
038 (pt.2) - Hecate's Thoughts
Christmas Collaboration 2021
039 (pt.1) - Discover
039 (pt.2) - Discover
040 (pt.1) - Secret Discussion
040 (pt.2) - Secret Discussion
041 (pt.1) - Cronus' Secret
041 (pt.2) - Cronus' Secret
042 (pt.1) - Hecate's Past
042 (pt.2) - Hecate's Past
043 (pt.1) Hecate's Reason
043 (pt.2) Hecate's Reason
044 (pt.1) - Cronus' Thoughts
044 (pt.2) - Cronus' Thoughts
045 (pt.1) - Doubt
045 (pt.2) - Doubt
046 (pt.1) - Cronus' Wrath
046 (pt.2) - Cronus' Wrath
047 (pt.1) - The Plan
047 (pt.2) - The Plan
048 (pt.1) - At That Time
International Kissing Day Collaboration
048 (pt.2) At That Time
049 (pt.1) Everything Has Changed
049 (pt.2) Everything has Changed
050 (pt.1) Revealed
050 (pt.2 A) Revealed
050 (pt.2 B) Revealed
051 (pt.1 A) The Truth
051 (pt.1 B) The Truth
051 (pt.2 A) The Truth
051 (pt.2 B) The Truth
052 (pt.1 A) Confrontation
052 (pt.1 B) Confrontation
052 (pt.2 A) Confrontation
052 (pt.2 B) Confrontation
053 (pt.1 A) Something's Off
053 (pt.1 B) Something's Off
053 (pt.2 A) Something's Off
053 (pt.2 B) Something's Off
054 (pt.1 A) Will
054 (pt.1 B) Will
054 (pt.2 A) Will
054 (pt.2 B) Will
055 (pt.1 A) Desperate
055 (pt.1 B) Desperate
055 (pt.2 A) Desperate
055 (pt.2 B) Desperate
056 pt.1 (A) - Care
056 pt.1 (B) - Care
056 pt.1 (B) - Care
056 pt.2 (B) - Care
057 pt.1 (A) - Nostalgic
057 pt.1 (B) - Nostalgic
057 pt.2 (A) - Nostalgic
057 pt.2 (B) - Nostalgic
058 pt.1 (A) - New Step, New Life
058 pt.1 (B) - New Step, New Life
058 pt.2 (A) - New Step, New Life
058 pt.2 (B) - New Step, New Life
059 pt.1 (A) - Velvet Rose
059 pt.1 (B) - Velvet Rose
059 pt.2 (A) - Velvet Rose
059 pt.2 (B) - Velvet Rose
060 pt.1 (A) - About Hades
060 pt.1 (B) - About Hades
061 pt.1 (A) - The Answer
061 pt.1 (B) - The Answer
062 (pt.1) A
062 (pt.1) B
062 (pt.2) A
062 (pt.2) B
063 (pt.1) A
063 (pt.1) B
063 (pt.2) A
063 (pt.2) B
New character is finally appeared. She will take a very important role in the story after this chapter. The climax is near and soon, Cronus' past will be slowly revealed. We hope you will keep continue reading this. Thank you.