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Cover shot!
Making a big entrance
Enemy detected!
Taking a grim turn.
What would you do?
A strange thing happened ...
This is what you want to publish?
Alex would never wear a Hawaiian shirt
Not exactly a graceful landing
The church rummage sale got more press!
Don't you get tired?
They know he's big by now, right?
The four words I hate most ...
Put down the linguine!
These things never end well
It's time for Project Omega!
Sometimes you gotta' go big
Just what we need ... another giant robot
Fired's not the word I'd use.
Not the best anti-gravity performance
There's some bad blood here ...
That's a lot of hairspray ...
Who the hell is this nut?
Am I not supposed to ask about the beehive hairdo?
And be polite ...
Wish the loser had a faster trigger finger ...
We're fired ...
Well ... he didn't take it THAT badly
I wonder if I ever made it up to them?
There was a time when Nancy actually smiled!
He's a killing machine!
I did well?
Worst birthday ever
I'm your best friend?
Worst surprise party in history
We don't want anyone getting hurt, right?
Who's ready for some acoustic jamming?
I'm gonna' kill that roadie ...
It's a lady robot?
Ready to save the day?
Meanwhile, on the other side of town ...
You might have to show a bit more enthusiasm
We're screwed!
Earth's savior is here!
A battle on the way?
Shouldn't we be concentrating?
Are you sure about that "no one getting hurt" part?
Sorry, change of plans.
This isn't how I expected it to end ...
They're taking a beating!
Sometimes you gotta' make a move.
A stroke of genius
To be honest ... I've hated every minute.
Miss Nancy, I don't joke
It's broken!
Not this time ...
At the Tin Institute for Advanced Sneezing Research ...
The more you practice, the easier it gets.
Maybe this smiling thing isn't so bad
Coming soon ... Bride of Tin (Yes, the sequel!)
The start of a new chapter!
Tap ... tap ... tap ...
A goodwill mission?
You can't buy this kind of press
It's raining toys!
Another successful mission!
It takes time with Miss Nancy
Maybe everyone should turn in early ...
In another part of town ...
People actually drink this stuff?
Hey, hotel girl ? I think this thing is broken
Never go with an off-brand motel
Sometimes the smallest victories are the sweetest
Back at Lunar Agency headquarters ...
This is all a lot
How does that make you feel?
You can't erase the past
C'mon ... It's peanut butter time!
Got ya!
MOUSE !!!!
Damn ... I'm a bad shot!
Just one puff?
Better than a stinky old cigarette
It's not poison!
Just like Cinderella!
In the middle of nowhere ...
Remember when people could talk to each other without having to wear a mask and without having to stand 6 feet apart? Seems like a long time ago. I gotta' admit: Seeing movies and TV shows where people are hanging out together in bars or sporting events brings me the blues these days.