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Episode 1 Nice to Meet You
Ep 2 A real...?
Ep 3. Problems
Ep 5 Snack
Ep 6 don't go!
Ep 7 oh no!
Ep 8 Mermaid Fight!
Ep 09 Books?
Ep 10 Friends
New Name
bonus strips! cute times!
Ep 13 Learning
Ep 14 secret abilities
Ep 15 Necklace
Ep 16 getting to know you
Ep 17 what do you like
Ep 18 I liiiike
Ep 19 bad call
ep 20 i don't like this thing!
Ep 21 Secrets?
Ep 22 meet the band
Ep 23 More Sisters
Ep 24 A fight!
Ep 25 Getting Stronger
Ep 26 Secret City
Ep 27 Didn't I...?
Ep 28 Hurt
Ep 29 tell me how you feel
Ep 30 the Sacred door
ep 31 OPEN!
Very Sick! Will be back soon
Episode 32 POWER
Ep 33 Storm
Ep 34 I'm almost there!
The Ground
ep 37 glass and doll
Ep 38 where
Ep 39 Dont have the words
Ep 40 Why Wait here
Ep 41 you only need
Ep 42 Here she is!
ep 43 It's You!
Ep 44 Run!
Ep 45 HUG
Ep 46 Where were you?
Ep 47 Your Magic?
Ep 48 It Hurt
Ep 49 Forever
Ep 50 VolleyBall!
Ep 51 Face to face
Ep 52 matching bracelets
ep 53 Hang on tight!
Ep 54 FASHION!!!
Ep 55 I'll take it!
Ep 56 Another fave
Ep 57 head pats
Ep 58 mom and dad
Ep 59 so many books!
Ep 60 Photos
ep 61 With me always
Ep 62 so glad you are safe
Ep 63 Magic
Ep 64 you look killer!
Ep 65 books books books!
Ep 66 the Traditional Price
Ep 67 panic
Let me help
Him Again
ep 70 A night to remember
Ep 71 A little chat
Ep 72 music sounds better with you
Ep 73 Don't let me down
ep 74 a realization
Quick intermission/explaination
UPDATE! i have my art screen! BIG UPDATE MONDAY!
ep 75 FIGHT
Ep 76
Ep 77 Disappeared
Ep 78
Ep 79 Task
Ep 80 The price
Ep 81
ep 82
Ep 83 Never again!
Ep 84 Skylla
Ep 85 No Giving Up
Ep 86 pt 1
Ep 86 pt 2
Ep 86 pt 3
Ep 86 pt4
Ep 86 pt 5
ep 86 pt 5
Ep 86 pt6
Ep 86 pt 7
Ep 87 together
Ending (of story 1! Sequel will happen)
Comic in stores on Amazon now!
i omg thank you guys for all your kind comments and support!!!!! i'm so excited to share more of the comic with you <3 if you want to read the comic in it's standard format you can read it at the link below. theseainyou.com follow me on twitter! i post a lot of art and fun stuff! https://twitter.com/JessiSheron