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Growing Evil, Chapter 1: Take Care
Growing Evil, Chapter 2: Royal Grumble
Growing Evil, Chapter 3: The Curse
Growing Evil, Chapter 4: Feeling Fine
Growing Evil, Chapter 5: Astral Pain
Growing Evil, Chapter 6: Side Effects
Growing Evil, Chapter 7: The Gift
Growing Evil, Chapter 8: Fight or Plight
Growing Evil, Chapter 9: Don't Look Down
Growing Evil, Chapter 10: The Secret
Growing Evil, Chapter 11: Above Ground
Growing Evil, Chapter 12: Daily Bind
Finding Evil, Chapter 1: Fork It Over
Finding Evil, Chapter 2: The Choice
Finding Evil, Chapter 3: Meet and Beat
Finding Evil, Chapter 4: The Audition
Finding Evil, Chapter 5: Team Meeting
Finding Evil, Chapter 6: Brain Food
Finding Evil, Chapter 7: Flavor Savior
Finding Evil, Chapter 8: The Ultimatum
Finding Evil, Chapter 9: Stand Down pt. 1
Finding Evil, Chapter 10: Stand Down pt. 2
Evil Interlude: Unhappy Campers pt. 1
Evil Interlude: Unhappy Campers pt. 2
Evil Interlude: Unhappy Campers pt. 3
Finding Evil, Chapter 11: The Club pt. 1
Finding Evil, Chapter 12: The Club pt. 2
Daaaamn, Hester! They say you're supposed to get close with your professors if you want good grades, but I think you took that a little too far. Ahem, anyway, did you know Nils and I recorded a "making of" podcast last week? Hit up TheEvilLife.com to listen! And then be back here in two weeks as we check in on Prince Gloom and his royal 'rents.