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Growing Evil, Chapter 1: Take Care
Growing Evil, Chapter 2: Royal Grumble
Growing Evil, Chapter 3: The Curse
Growing Evil, Chapter 4: Feeling Fine
Growing Evil, Chapter 5: Astral Pain
Growing Evil, Chapter 6: Side Effects
Growing Evil, Chapter 7: The Gift
Growing Evil, Chapter 8: Fight or Plight
Growing Evil, Chapter 9: Don't Look Down
Growing Evil, Chapter 10: The Secret
Growing Evil, Chapter 11: Above Ground
Growing Evil, Chapter 12: Daily Bind
Finding Evil, Chapter 1: Fork It Over
Finding Evil, Chapter 2: The Choice
Finding Evil, Chapter 3: Meet and Beat
Finding Evil, Chapter 4: The Audition
Finding Evil, Chapter 5: Team Meeting
Finding Evil, Chapter 6: Brain Food
Finding Evil, Chapter 7: Flavor Savior
Finding Evil, Chapter 8: The Ultimatum
Finding Evil, Chapter 9: Stand Down pt. 1
Finding Evil, Chapter 10: Stand Down pt. 2
Evil Interlude: Unhappy Campers pt. 1
Evil Interlude: Unhappy Campers pt. 2
Evil Interlude: Unhappy Campers pt. 3
Finding Evil, Chapter 11: The Club pt. 1
Finding Evil, Chapter 12: The Club pt. 2
Maybe our animation pitch was rejected because it's, like, 50% montage? I dunno I could be wrong, but I'm sure that it didn't help! I even recorded myself singing the montage song (it's not very musical, but it is *funny*). Maybe I'll play it for you in our final Evil Life podcast when that drops at the end of July. Anyway, we'll be back next week with the conclusion of this cookie saga!