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Become a PatronChapter 1 - The Greatest Blacksmith
Chapter 2 - The Price of Cuteness
Chapter 3 - The Heartbroken Warrior
[Side Chapter] Placing a Sword
Chapter 4 - Lost and Found
[Side Chapter] Take home
Chapter 5 - The Happy Cougar
[Side Chapter] Placing a Sword 2
[Side Chapter] Too Heavy
Chapter 6 - The New Look
[Side Chapter] Placing a Sword 3
Chapter 7 - The Night of The Blacksmith
[Side Chapter] Placing a Sword 4
[Side Chapter] Too Heavy 2
Chapter 8 - The Bounty Hunter
[Side Chapter] Just a Little Something
Chapter 9 - The Slime
[Side Chapter] Restful Sleep
[Side Chapter] The Copycat
Chapter 10 - Hat Trick
[Side Chapter] Baked Dream
Chapter 11 - The Blacksmiths Meeting
[Side Chapter] Slime Sitter
[Side Chapter] Freya Darkwood
Chapter 12 - The Post-Meeting Party
[Side Chapter] Choccy Milk
Chapter 13 - Too much happiness
[Side Chapter] Dog With a Stick
[The Scroll of Knowledge] The Bug Fruit's biology
Chapter 14 - The Knight The Princess and The Dragon
[Side Chapter] Kyuu!!
[Side Chapter] Holy Spirit
Chapter 15 - The Dragon Shard
[Side Chapter] Broken Sword
[Side Chapter] Halloween Costume
Chapter 16 - The Haunted Blacksmith Shop
[Side Chapter] Build a Snowman
[Side Chapter] New Recipe
[The Scroll of Knowledge] The Slime's biology
Chapter 17 - Fair Trade
[Side Chapter] Huge Fan
Chapter 18 - The Sexiest Shopkeeper
[Side Chapter] Huge Fan 2
Chapter 19 - The Tiny Santa and The Big Reindeer
The Year of Dragon
[Side Chapter] The Gift
[Side Chapter] The Gift 2
Chapter 20 - The Boys Night
[Side Chapter] Sleep Prank
[Side Chapter] Scale Care
Chapter 21 - Warrior in Love
[Side Chapter] The Beloved Man
[Side Chapter] Midnight Business
Chapter 22 - The Lazy Cocoon
[Side Chapter] The Secret Entrance
[Side Chapter] The Celebrity
Chapter 23 - Just another good day
[Random Paper#1] Staff Wanted Poster
[Side Chapter] Wet Fox
[Side Chapter] Wet Fox 2
[The Scroll of Knowledge] The Patmipls's biology
Chapter 24 - The Rematch
[Side Chapter] Petting
[Side Chapter] Petting 2
[Side Chapter] The Sword That Slays
Chapter 25 - The Evil One
[Side Chapter] The Dagger That's Evil
[Side Chapter] The Name
Chapter 26 - Sandwich Shop
[Side Chapter] Slime Language
[Side Chapter] Movement
Chapter 27 - The Fever
[Side Chapter] Refined Dinning
[Side Chapter] The Nickname
[Side Chapter] Middle-aged problem
Chapter 28 - The Cougarland
[Side Chapter] Mascot
[Side Chapter] Sketmipls
Chapter 29 - The Cougarland part II
[Side Chapter] Firework
Chapter 30 - Daughter
[Side Chapter] Theme Park Beanie
Chapter 31 - Halloween Contest
[Side Chapter] Prick and Treat
[Side Chapter] Swordwoman
Chapter 32 - The Longest Blacksmith
[Side Chapter] Back Pain
[Side Chapter] Short Potion
Chapter 33 - The Inspection
[Side Chapter] Evil Things
Chapter 34 - The Definitely Christmas Chapter
The Year of Snake
[Side Chapter] Beach Drinks
Chapter 35 - The Apple
[Side Chapter] Tiny Braid
[Side Chapter] Rematch
Chapter 36 - Predators
[Side Chapter] Free Sample
[Side Chapter] Milk
Chapter 37 - Morningdrop