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- Getting things started
- The exam
- The weathered willows
- Testing fate
- A spiders web
- A lost child
- Raven claw
- Trauma
- Lucas
- The kitusne
- Battle at the capital
- Ravager
- The blue hall
- The discussion
- The search
- The trail
- Fighting a demon
- A day out
- Iris
- Reunion
- Rage
- Cold as ice
- Crystal’s
- Rhea vs Leo
- Dancing the night away
- Taking action
- Light and fire
- Frail
- Tough as stone
- Crimson
- Betrayal
- A new evil
- A different point of view
- Gluttony
- Reality
- Stars
- The Lockhart’s
- Nothing but white lies
- What's under the mask
- Seeing red
- Cops & robbers
- Like mother like daughter
- In the eye of the storm
- A family dispute
- Breaking glass
- Manipulation is key
- The tale of two sisters
- Lighting the fire
- An old face
- Two sides of the same coin
- Planing ahead
- Finding the truth
- Finding Alice
- Who can you trust?
- Operation snatch.
- The attack on the Fox family.
- Plan B.
- Brotherly love.
- Motherly love.
- Fighting back
- When raven’s fall
- A sibling bound
- A change of pace
- Deal making