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Become a PatronKorea, A Dream Come True
First day in the Dorm
Why did they get so angry?
Was It All a Dream?
First Time in a Korean Household?
Oh yeah, it's JMT!!
Christmas Time in Korea
Memories of Christmas
Welcoming the New Year in Korea
We are a different age in Korea?
Koreans have "Manner Hands"?
The one where Carro is confused (and a little embarrassed..)
Gangnam Style is...not for everyone
The Housewarming Gift that Keeps on Giving
The Invitation
Susu's Death Note
Please accept my apple!
Taste test at the Korean market
All the Cool Kids are Doing It
Leave it to the "pros"
djahdjduyateauodjjsjah!!!! What??
Strawberry Bonanza!
From the ATM to the Wedding Venue
What we do on Black Day
Lines or Laps
All's well that ends well
Do you feel lucky?
A cure for boredom
Am I hearing this right?
Sing Your Heart Out!
Mind Your Manners
30...1! Bottom's up!
Everything is free in Korea?
The Ultimate Korean Spa Experience
From Ouch! to Aaah...
Susu the Soothsayer
A Cold Noodle for a Hot Day
An Unexpected Event
To Wash or not to Wash...
Is it illegal to tip in Korea?
The Sand, the Sea and the Sun
Carro's new-found love
Score!! or...is it?
Korean Thanksgiving 2022
Autumn Festivities
The double edge Word
Tears of gratification
Mind your manners!
Everyone's going to Thailand?
Stick it with Taffy
Test of Courage
An Eggcelent Dish
11/11 The Sweetest Day in Korea
Shh...no whistling at night!
Do you get it?
A day at the theme park
An interesting snack...
Korea’s must have item in winter!
What will we get for Christmas...?
You Snooze, You Lose
The First Snowfall
Being a Fangirl
Drama Queen
Happy Year of the Rabbit!
A Blanket in the form of food
Don't Shoe Her Away!
Rock, Paper, Scissors!
Luxury Gaming
What a steal!
Milk and Cookies
Parents' Day
A gift for good luck
Eating Snacks like a Pro
A Stroke of Luck
Mind your manners
Studying through Songs
Mincho Craze
Odd Compliments
The Struggle of Moving Away
Love at first Bite
Sort it Out!
Good News!
Blind Dating
Job Hunting
Tips for Students in Korea
Picklin' Dill-licious!
Personal Colors
Check, please!
Celebrating Celebs
Tasty Traditional Treats
City of Stairs
River Wonders
Celebrating Chuseok
Fallin' for Fall
Mental Breakdown
Fright Night
Cafe Scholars
Dating Experts
Emergency Situation
Hurry, Hurry!
The Notorious Exam
Pop Quiz!
Cham Cham Cham
Girls' Day Out
Christmas Movie Night
New Year's Resolutions
Mixed-up Signals
A 10 won Bread?
The First Time We Met
Sweet Potato Troubles
Lunar New Year Feast
Falling Sick...
Spending Money
Fighting for Glory
Simple Sweet Treats
Brrrr, this neverending winter! A few weeks of daily sub zero temps have us craving all the comfort food! Luckily, Korean street food is the very definition of winter comfort- delicious aromas of hot buns, sweet, invigorating fillings or that spicy kick that definitely works to bring up our body temperature ㅋㅋㅋ