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Become a PatronHero Hunt
Hero Hunt pt. 2
Hero Hunt pt.3
Slumming pt. 1
Slumming pt. 2
Slumming pt. 3
Slumming pt. 4
Slumming pt. 5
Slumming pt.6
Slumming pt. 7
Slumming Coda - Sleeping Rough
The Beginning pt. 1 - The Death of Conner Hearst
The Beginning pt. 2 - Refusing the Call
The Beginning pt. 3 -The End of the Beginning
Unsuitable Companion pt. 1- Dairy Free
Unsuitable Companion pt. 2 -The Armored Warrior
Unsuitable Companion pt. 3 - The Warrior Within
Unsuitable Companion pt. 4 - The Burden of Judgement
Unsuitable Companion pt. 5 - Fallen Warrior
Unsuitable Companion pt. 6 - Secret of the Haunted Library
Unsuitable Companion pt. 7 - Ellie to the Rescue
Unsuitable Companion pt. 8 - Missing in Action
Unsuitable Companion pt. 9 - Coming Up Short
Unsuitable Companion pt. 10 - Plans Exposed!
Unsuitable Companion pt. 11 - A Great Gnashing of Teeth!
Unsuitable Companion pt. 12 - FINALE!
Layover pt. 1 - A Man's Worth
Layover pt. 2 - The Society
Layover pt. 3 - A Friendly Wager
Layover pt. 4 - The Right Side of the Soil
Layover pt. 5 - Rocked!
Layover pt. 6 - Mad Champion
Layover pt. 7 - Graduation (END of Arc)
First Town pt. 1 - Answers and Questions
First Town pt. 2 - Bookworm
First Town pt. 3 - Strange Man in the Woods
First Town pt. 4 - Family
First Town pt. 5 - Something Big
First Town pt. 6 - Alarm
First Town pt.7 - Charred
First Town pt.8 - Picked Up
First Town pt.9 Break
First Town pt. 10 - Burnt Offerings
First Town pt. 11 - The Final Blessing
First Town pt. 12 - Parting Ways
First Town - END -- The Bells of Lethem
Questions & Answers
Caravan pt. 1
Caravan pt. 2
Caravan pt. 3 - Head First
Caravan pt. 4 - Pep Talk
Caravan pt. 5 - A Problem
Caravan pt. 6 - A Warning
Caravan pt. 7 - Contact
Caravan pt. 8 - E.K.A.E
Caravan pt. 9 - The Armor of Judgement
Caravan pt. 10 - Doesn't Float
Caravan pt. 11 - Shelled
Caravan pt. 12 - Nerve
Not every Hero summoned lives up to the name, and it's up to Conner and Ellie to clean up the mess while saving the realm from a looming darkness and hopefully coming up with some drinking money. The battle continues next week!