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Become a PatronThe Heist
The Dragon or the Egg?
Hoards & Hoarders
The Joy of Cave Painting
Safety? What's that?
Late Call
Non-Euclidean Dragons
Birthdays & Beach Episodes
Dungeons & Half-Dragons
Cookies & Crime (Season 1 Finale!!!)
Path Not Found
What A Hoot!
Not Safe For Bards
Incognito & Inconspicuous
Potions & PTSD
Quite A Mage Handful
Pasts & Photos
Merry Christmas from the Scale & Tale team!
Better Late Than Never
Scale & Tale - "Shills & Sell-outs"
Nights & Mares
Better Don't Say Mare
Dungeons & Dramatics
Would You?
Easter Eggselency
Birds and the Beholders
Down Memory Lane
Goals & Goodberries
Wits & Wisdom
Potions & Perils
Vexes & Vacations
Blunders & Birthdays - We're Back!
Reactions & Revelations
Sugars & Suspects
Celebrations & More Celebrations
Bonus Panel: Half and Half Rock, Paper... Mage Hand? Being Half-Dragons with their non-dragon half being Mammon Tiefling (see the Monster Manual for more details on Half-Dragon mechanics) the twins have had access to Mage Hand since birth. Consider supporting our Patreon for exclusive access & if you want to appear in the comic! https://www.patreon.com/scaleandtale