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Become a PatronPolyamory 101, Part 1
Polyamory 101, Part 2
Polyamory 101, Part 3
Girlfriend Saga, Part 1
Girlfriend Saga, Part 2
Girlfriend Saga, Part 3
Girlfriend Saga, Part 4
Girlfriend Saga, Part 5
Bisexual Crimes
xDD must be heterosexuality lol
The Boy who Fixes Everything
Sudden Feelings of Adoration
Intellectual Wasteland
Must be someone's fetish...
Marriage plans?
Angel or devil?
Plants, plants as far as the eye can see...
This is how ART is made!
Copy my face with what?
Feelings... A lot of intense feelings.
Don't read that out loud!
Time to **** and **** these tomatoes!
I'm the parrot...
Not really that impressive...
He SURE can do MOST of those things!
How am I doing?
A plant or a bastard?
I guess this is the end then.
A failure in front of my crush!
Do you know what's a Zine?
Mediocre = Good
Mental Gymnastics
Just a little bit of judging?
An old dog learned a new trick. That dog is me.
Paju save us from ourselves!
Sara will you be our girlboss?
Can I get your attention, please?
Life in Pandemic
Dating while Polyamorous
Dating Problems
My Relationship to Paju!?
His actual literal mother
Polyamory and Politics
Interesting* facts! (*not interesting)
Surprise guest!
A Big Bisexual Mess
Around the- no wait...
Flesh Prison
Hello! Hello! I'm Polyamorous!!
Identity news!
How it is dating me?
Feelings are hard, okay? Next week I'll post something funny again, it's a promise!