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Become a PatronAlarm Clock
Public Transport
Traffic Light
The Audacity
French Fries
Q & A
Baby Knaifu
First Knife
Movie Theater
My Toes
Cookie or Cousin
Weighing Scale
Special Cosplay Episode!
Art Class
Bus, STOP!
Bibo's Alarm
Special Cosplay Episode!
Morning; Sweet Dreams
Morning; Break(your)fast
Morning; Rise and Shine
Morning; Shared Bathroom
Morning; MY Pizza
Sunday Special: The Knife Life
Rest & Relaxation; Naps
Rest & Relaxation; Vacuums
Rest & Relaxation; Massage
Rest & Relaxation; Journaling
Rest & Relaxation; ASMR
Sunday Special: Knaifu Asks!
Daily Commute; Last Passenger
Daily Commute; Noisy
Daily Commute; Taxi
Daily Commute; Beside Me
Sunday Special: Hell's Penguin
Corporate World; Day Off
Corporate World; My Food
Corporate World; Air Conditioner
Sunday Special: Special Cosplay Episode!
Shopping; Saleslady
Shopping; Digital Sale
Shopping; Dibs
Shopping; No Pockets
Sunday Special: The Knife Life
Cooking; Missing Ingredient
Cooking; Garlic
Cooking; Rotten Egg
Cooking; Pepper
Cooking; Cookout
Sunday Special: Knaifu Asks!
Are You Okay; Tired
Are You Okay; Annoying
Are You Okay; Restless
Are You Okay; Never Alone
Are You Okay; Goodbye Darkness, My Old Friend
Sunday Special: Hell's Penguin
Family Matters; Future Careers
Family Matters; The Gift List
Family Matters; Inheritance
Family Matters; Mind Your Own Child
Family Matters; Kids
Special Cosplay Episode! NOTIFICATION OF DELAY
Special Cosplay Episode! Part ONE
Money; Wallet
Special Cosplay Episode! Part TWO
Money; Paycheck < Bills
Money; Debtors
Money; For The Knives
Sunday Special: The Knife Life
Day Off; Crowded
Day Off; Bored
Day Off; Can't Make It
Day Off; Productive
Day Off; Riiiiiing
Sunday Special: Knaifu Asks!
Lies; SALE!
Lies; Wrong Size
Lies; One More Chapter
Lies; Tomorrow
Lies; Saving Money
Q & A ✨
Roommates; Dishes
Roommates; Trying To Sleep
Roommates; Do Not Disturb
Roommates; Messy
Roommates; Surprise Guest
Jodgy-nim Announcement
Special Cosplay Episode!
New People: Introduce Yourself
Sunday Special: Hell's Penguin
New People: Spell My Name
New People: aNd yOu?
New People: Questions
Second Eden; Magnolia City
New People: Assumptions
Sunday Special: The Knife Life
Just Got Home; No Utensils
Just Got Home; My Bed
Just Got Home; Leaving Again
Just Got Home; Noisy Neighbors
Just Got Home: Don't Wanna Go
Sunday Special: Knaifu Asks!
Ice Cream: Tricks
Ice Cream: Smells Fishy
Ice Cream: Spoon Bent
Ice Cream: Tricks: Leftovers
Ice Cream: Oh No
Guess Who Finally Got His Ice Cream
Sunday Special: Knaifu Asks!
Bibo Week: Wrong Order
Bibo Week: Pride
Bibo Week: Forgetful
Bibo Week: Stressed
Bibo Week: Knaifu Scary
Penguin in a Bag
Sunday Special: Hell's Penguin
(K)Nikki Week: Hot Girl Stuff
(K)Nikki Week: Smile
(K)Nikki Week: Helpful
(K)Nikki Week: Single Queen Things
(K)Nikki Week: Bored
Let That Knife Sink In
Special Collab Episode! PRIDE MONTH
Special Cosplay Episode! NIKKI VER.
Jodgy Week: Productive
Jodgy Week: 24!
Jodgy Week: No Printer Just Fax
Jodgy Week: No Printer Just Fax 2
Jodgy Week: Fanart Giveaway!
Sunday Special: The Knife Life
Knaifu's Back: Miss You
Knaifu's Back: Secret Package
Knaifu's Back: Wingman
Knaifu's Back: Welcome, Bibo
Knaifu's Back: Cake
Sunday Special: Knaifu Asks!
Self-Love: Weight
Self-Love: Cutting Ties
Self-Love: Simple Pleasures
Self-Love: Acceptance
Self-Love: Protect Your Peace
Sunday Special: Hell's Penguin
Frustration: Resellers
Frustration: Turtle Connection
Frustration: Spoilers
Frustration: Gum
Frustration: TGIF
Random: Mimi
Random: Nikki
Vacation: Check-In Counter
Vacation: View
Vacation: Locked Out
Vacation: Webtoon Canvas Festival Special
Vacation: Bad Weather
Vacation: Outfit On Point
Vacation: Drunk Friend
Vacation: Going Home
Neighbors: Garbage
Neighbors: Gossip
Neighbors: Rude Kids
Neighbors: Arguing Outside
Neighbors: Missing Parcel
Personal Space: In Hiding
Personal Space: Protect It
Personal Space: Lean On Me
Personal Space: Bubble
Sunday Special Episode: The Knife Life
Gamer Things: Bye Battery
Gamer Things: Teammates
Gamer Things: Hero Time
Gamers Things: GIRLS
Gamer Things: Battle Royale
Sunday Special: Knaifu Asks!
Primary School: Pencils
Primary School: Shapes
Primary School: Artsy
Primary School: Daycare
Primary School: Nap Time
Middle School: Costume Day
Middle School: Nikki for President
Middle School: Preferences
Middle School: Growth Spurt???
Middle School: Comparing Snacks
High School: Pimples
High School: The Talk
High School: Hallway Talks
High School: First Crush
High School 2: Group Work
High School 2: Prom?
High School 2: First Date
High School 2: Yearbook Pictures
High School 2: Prom!!!
📣 announcement 📣
College Life: High School Breakup
College Life: Coffee
College Life: Study Break
College Life: Party Next Door
College Life: Grades
Halloween Parodies: Squid Game (1)
Halloween Parodies: Squid Game (2)
Halloween Parodies: Squid Game (3)
Halloween Parodies: Squid Game (4)
Halloween Parodies: Squid Game (5)
Ghost Stories: Blessed Knife
Ghost Stories: Doppelgänger
Ghost Stories: Filter
Ghost Stories: Television
Ghost Stories: Surprise!
17 Webtoon Canvas Feature!
Reunions: Bump
Reunions: Likes
Reunions: Invites
Reunions: Hurt
Reunions: Prank
Reunions: Achievements
Reunions: Goodbyes
Winter Is Coming: Sharp
Winter Is Coming: Hot Choco
Winter Is Coming: Colds
Winter Is Coming: Cozy
Winter Is Coming: Skates
🎄New Christmas Banner🎄
Snow: Knife Skating
Snow: Snowball Fight
Snow: Chopping Wood
Snow: Army
Snow: Sledding
Naughty or Knife: Knaifu Klaus
Naughty or Knife: Surprise
Naughty or Knife: Scarf
Update #2
Update #3
new beginnings.
electricity, ii
electricity, iii
sickness: jabbed
sickness; just take your meds
sickness; distance
Multiverse Of Knifeness: one
Multiverse of Knifeness: Gerald
Multiverse of Knifeness: realizations
Multiverse of Knifeness: penguin spy
Multiverse of Knifeness: rich
Multiverse of Knifeness: soulmate
Agent K: Interrogations
Agent K: Lock Picking
Agent K: Robbery
Agent K: Day Off
Agent K: Disguise
Cosplay Sundays
odd jobs: pizza delivery
odd jobs: woodchopper
odd jobs: plumber
Cosplay Sundays
long lines: perfect position
long lines: express lane
long lines: restroom
knaifu asks! long lines
cosplay sundays: iconic horror figures
ghost encounters: doorbell
ghost encounters: reflection
ghost encounters: poltergeist
cosplay sundays!
knaifu asks!
karaoke: great singer!
karaoke: last song
karaoke: next song
perfect aim: moving car
perfect aim: accident
perfect aim: welcome back
moving out: apartment hunting
moving out: landlords
moving out: done packing
cosplay sundays: my hero academia
moving in: a new home
moving in: hello neighbor
moving in: unpacking
holiday greetings: livia
holiday greetings: bibo
holiday greetings: nikki
holiday greetings: knaifu
moving in: housewarming gift
moving in: settling in
new year’s resolution: threats
new year’s resolution: strength
new year’s resolution: none needed
sunday specials: knaifu asks
rainy days: splash
rainy days: stabbed
rainy days: messy
rainy days: thunderstorms
cosplay sundays: jujutsu kaisen
laundry: too many
laundry: foreign object
laundry: sudden rain
laundry: hugs
kindness: grocery
kindness: the last cookie
kindness: kill em
cosplay sundays: powerpuff girls
cosplay sundays: special episode
kupid: new job
kupid: pride of a lioness
kupid: missed
kupid: fast talk
sunday special: knaifu asks
kupid: his turn
kupid: i’ll do it
kupid: beast
kupid: no
sunday special: knaifu asks
kupid: plank of love
kupid: single
important notice
happy knife year.
new year’s threats: cake
new year’s threats: sleep
HI! It me <3 Song from Ms. Taylor Swift, The Way I Loved You :D Nikki is a Swiftie!!!