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Become a PatronEp01. Play!
Ep02. Observe the Area
Ep03. Talk.
Ep04. Climb (DC6)
Ep05. Fight! Cave Rat
Ep06. Level Up! DEX + 1
Ep07. Forest
Extra1. Look at dis cat!
Ep08. Blue
Ep09. Enough is enough, lets go.
Ep10. Talk?
Ep11. Fight! Jelly Slime
Ep12. Observe.
Ep13. Hop to the next tree!
Ep14. Look for shelter.
Ep15. Hiss!
The Gentleman's Rule
Ep16. Help.
Ep17. Flee!
Ep18. Greet it.
Ep19. Blue Lagoon Turtle Scale
Ep20. Forage for resources.
Ep21. Fight! Toadhound
Ep22. Lawful Good
Ep23. Strength
Ep24. Stack it bottom up
Ep25. Drop a pebble down the well.
Ep26. Bow Respectfully
Extra2. Summary: Forest
Extra3. Forest Postmortem
Extra4. Q&A
PotTTB Season 2 Interlude
Ep27. Mountain
Ep28. Precipice
Ep29. Identify (DC10)
Ep30. Fight! Crystilisk
Ep31. Strength
Ep32. Observe the area.
Ep33. Gift it a Flower Jelly!
Ep34. Fight! Borffon
Ep35. Heal with Fairy Dust.
Ep36. Rub/Purr against Griffin!
Ep36. Rub/Purr against Griffin!
Bounce on Loose Rocks! (DC18)
Ep38. Help.
Ep39. Scavenge for Healing Items!
Ep40. Yarn Bind!
Ep41. Emotion?
Ep42. Call for help! (DC15)
Ep43. Identify (DC18)
Ep44. Help them.
Ep44. Interlude
Ep45. Show The Flower of Youth.
Ep46. Catch Myu, Koy carry you both, go after flower! DC(20)
Look around this grand cavern for opportunities. (DC15)
Ep48. Inform about Jovda Moc! (DC13)I will be streaming the
I am smOrt. I know exactly what happened. (DC16)
Ep50. Attempt to explain the situation again! (DC15)
Ep51. All together, try to stop Jovda Moc! (DC5)
Ep52. Arvya
Ep53. Strength.
I will be streaming the result 24 hours later on twitch.tv/magikfiresy remember to update your webtoon app to see the poll!