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Become a PatronEp. 1 - A Countess's Favor
Ep. 2 - Orchard House
Ep. 3 - What Sort of Place
Ep. 4 - I'm Going With You
Ep. 5 - Positively Mortifying
Ep. 6 - Charming
Ep. 7 - Night Time Visitor
Ep. 8 - All Clear
Ep. 9 - Real Food
Ep. 10 - A Piece of My Mind
Ep. 11 - One Day I'll Wake Up
Ep. 12 - A True Friend
Ep. 13 - A Little Celebration
Ep. 14 - All This Sauce
Ep. 15 - I'll Go
Ep. 16 - Nightmare
Ep. 17 - Do Better
Ep. 18 - Upside Down
Ep. 19 - A Word
Ep. 20 - Scandal

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Smh, Shirley. What will the neighbors think? We only have one more episode left to go, folks! And then an epilogue. Thank you for seeing this through with me.