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- Just a face in the crowd
- A Grinchy Christmas
- The Speed of Light
- It's just a headache
- Product Unavailable
- New Years Resolution
- We're on Webtoon!
- Death to 2020
- Red or Blue?
- Why do we feel sad?
- Chemistry Experiments
- You SLOB!
- The Road to Success
- Cat Fight!
- Snow Day!
- My imagination
- Every Weekend
- It’s Just Rain
- Spam Emails
- Back Pains
- Out in nature
- Sleep all day
- Welcome to the internet!
- Recycling is a lie?
- The extreme heat
- Too fast!
- Billionaire in space
- Overfishing!
- Watching movies - Then vs Now
- A New Toy - The iPhone 13
- It’s the simple things….
- What's inside a Pokéball?
- Let's Scroll Together.
- Ouch!
So it’s been awhile since the last update. But I’ve been posting on my Instagram, so check out my stuff there if you want to see all of it. I’ll start posting back on here from now on, the next few will be old insta posts with some extra sketches. Enjoy