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Become a Patron1 - A Scam?
2 - Memory Mishap
3 - Butting Heads
4 - Enough Is Enough!
5 - Husks, Attack!
6 - Secret Protector
7 - Lord Z
8 - Need A Hand?
9 - Interrogation
10 - This Is My Life Now
11 - Bike Fail
12 - Pick A Partner!
13 - Within A Shadow
14 - Zeke
15 - We Saw Nothing
16 - Heist pt1
17 - Heist pt2
18 - What Can I Do?
A Little Thingy...
Notice! Call To Action - EndShadow
19 - By Your Side
20 - And The Show Goes On...
21 - A Summoning In The Boy's Bathroom!
22 - The Name's Ginkgo!
23 - Dun Dun Dun! The Abandoned Brewery Awaits!
24 - Into The Unknooooown~
I lied...
demoholic Reboot Ep 1
Nox here! Hope you enjoyed this week's episode! By now, the plot should become a little clearer...maybe not. When I first came up with DEMOholic, it was just a series of episodic stories featuring different characters, but while putting it all together, I decided on one protagonist to follow. You could describe this series as a bit of a slow burn, but I think it'll be worth reading to the end :)