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Become a PatronPrologue
Chapter 1 - 20XX YEARS LATER
Chapter 2 - THE DOORS [Part 1]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 2]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 3]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 4]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 5]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 6]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 7]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 8]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 9]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 10]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 11]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 12]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 13]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 14]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 15]
Chapter 2 - The Doors [Part 16]
Chapter 2 - THE DOORS [FINAL]
Chapter 3 - The Knights of Aureole [Part 1]
Chapter 3 - The Knights of Aureole [Part 2]
Chapter 3 - The Knights of Aureole [Part 3]
Chapter 3 - The Knights of Aureole [Part 4]
Chapter 3 - The Knights of Aureole [Part 5]
Chapter 3 - The Knights of Aureole [Part 6]
Chapter 3 - The Knights of Aureole [Part 7]
Chapter 3 - The Knights of Aureole [Part 8]
Chapter 3 - The Knights of Aureole [Part 9]
Chapter 3 - The Knights of Aureole [Part 10]
Webtoon Canvas Appreciation Day
Chapter 3 - The Knights of Aureole [Part 11]
Chapter 3 - The Knights of Aureole [Part 12]
One Year Anniversary
Chapter 3 - The Knights of Aureole [FINAL]
Chapter 4 - Neo Aura [Part 1]
Chapter 4 - Neo Aura [Part 2]
Chapter 4 - Neo Aura [Part 3]
Chapter 4 - Neo Aura [Part 4]
Chapter 4 - Neo Aura [Part 5]
Chapter 4 - Neo Aura [Part 6]
Chapter 4 - Neo Aura [Part 7]
Chapter 4 - Neo Aura [Part 8]
Chapter 4 - Neo Aura [Part 9]
Chapter 4 - Neo Aura [Part 10]
Chapter 4 - Neo Aura [Part 11]
Chapter 4 - Neo Aura [Part 12]
Chapter 4 - Neo Aura [Final]
Chapter 5 - Soul Benders [Part 1]
Chapter 5 - Soul Benders [Part 2]
Chapter 5 - Soul Benders [Part 3]
Chapter 5 - Soul Benders [Final]
Chapter 6 - The Raid [Part 1]
Chapter 6 - The Raid [Part 2]
Chapter 6 - The Raid [Part 3]
Chapter 6 - The Raid [Part 4]
Chapter 6 - The Raid [Part 5]
Chapter 6 - The Raid [FINAL]
Chapter 6.5 Part 1 of 2
Chapter 6.5 Part 2 of 2
(UPDATE) Neon Soul INQUISITION is out on Call to Action!
Chapter 7 - Inquisition [Part 1]
Chapter 7 - Inquisition [Part 2]
Chapter 7 - Inquisition [FINAL]
reChapter 1 - 20XX Years Later [Part 1]
reChapter 1 - 20XX Years Later [Part 2]
reChapter 1 - 20XX Years Later [Part 3]
reChapter 1 - 20XX Years Later [Part 4]
reChapter 1 - 20XX Years Later [Part 5]
reChapter 1 - 20XX Years Later [Part 6]
reChapter 1 - 20XX Years Later [Part 7]
reChapter 1 - 20XX Years Later [Part 8]
reChapter 1 - 20XX Years Later [FINAL]