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Become a PatronMonster girls on tour Cover
K'sara the salamander
Europa the charming chicken
Every older brother has done this
Prologue 0
Prologue 1
Prologue 2
Prologue 3
Prologue 4
Prologue 5
Prologue 6
Prologue 7
Prologue 8
Prologue 9
Prologue 10
Prologue 11
Prologue 12
Prologue 13
Prologue 14
Prologue 15
Prologue 16
Prologue 17
Prologue 18
Prolgue 19
Prologue 20
Prologue Q&A
When you get too excited in a quest
Internet shitstorms
We have to attend to otter matters
My power is over 9000
Assassins creed fox
The strongest warriors
Chapter 1: The beginning
Magister class
Arachne Hospitality
Mistress of all pleasures; All
E3 2015
Shopping with a monster girl
The fortune teller
Gotta go fast
A Spanish monster girl
Liquid war, liquid soldiers
Medics and snakes
Some jealous monster girls
Geography lesson
The serpentine guild
A true "monster" girl
A beautiful first encounter
The expendable
Growing in isolation
Who let the dogs out
You may know me from other massacres
They meet at last
What could go wrong
What do you get when a dragon sneezes
No match for a mighty dragon
Salamander instincts
The legendary beast
The hand in the shadow
Assemble the power rangers
A mere human
Maybe more than human
Not everyone likes Monster girls
Keeping a low profile
The team is assembled
Super hiding skills
A dark intent
The journey begins
Questions & answers 1
Questions & answers 2
Jurassic girls
Pokemon trainers
Stereotypical flamer
MGoT meets Monster musume
Chapter 2: Journey and chase
The perfect disguise
Definitelly not Sailor moon
The Reptar squad
Reptilian melee
What will my fortune be today?
No one works for free
Harpy's true power
Anubis vs Herensugue
A fight in the desert
Tengen toppa Herensuge lagan
I have more things to throw at you
The hand still in the shadows
Everthing is better with eroticism
Questions & answers 3
Za Warudo
Do it now
Not the usual protagonist
The Guild system
Definitelly not monster hunter
Fight like an ant
Hunter priorities
Europa's fighting secret
Everything is dangerous in this world
An expected situation
Nudes always motivate
Running in the 90s
Superior reflexes
Erotic healing
A cruel salamander thesis
Salamanders do it better
The food chain
Cliffs, cliffs everywhere
A weird way of healing
A late realization
You are a what?
The dwarf race
Where's Tinkerbell
It's the second time, and probably not the last
Your name
An upgrade in status
Questions & answers 4
Fate stay night
Hunter's diary
Hunter's diary 1
Hunter's diary 2
Interlude 1
Cast of characters
Time for the empire
Electra, the matriarch
Neon Genesis Empire
Some familiar faces
War preparations
The bodyguard
Know your wars
Set in stone
A wild stranger appears
The plume
Eye for an eye
Questions and Answers 5
Alternate covers
Loyal like a dog
Work or get the boot
Hunter's Diary: Ahungrir
Chapter 3: Journey 2
Cast on journey 2
Welcome to paradise
Still gotta go fast
The boy who knew how to dodge death
Where's my fly swatter?
Scolding the kids
Unorthodox doctor
A shocking girl
Which is your anime archetype
Like a moth to a flame
Silent communication
Moths don't care about your sad stories
How kids are made
Tsundere warnings
Meanwhile, in the future
A friendly reception
A flawless defense
Unsung heroes
Super serious time
Always hungry
Not the best aim
Uneven fight
Checking the future sex slaves
Lunch time
Saved by the bell
Insect type
Living weapon, literally
Two girls, one fight
Are you going to do the "ora ora" thing?
Rock and roll
Whiskey on the rock
Ice ice baby
A great tactician
Hey, as long as it works
Duck hunt
Heavy machinegun
Dirty tricks
Heroic entrance
I'm on fire
Damsel in distress
I'm the fastest fighter in the universe
Chavalry charge
Free flying ticket
Squashed like a bug
I'm in shock
Lamia's healthcare insurance
All japanese people look the same
A lesson to be learn
Bait, hook, line and sinker
That's the best part
Rebellious act
Please be gentle
Extended vacations
Monster elite four
Dick comparison
Strong among the strong
Questions & answers 6
Questions and answers 7
Dungeons & Monster girls
Kemono friends
What does the scanner say about her power level?
Electronic arts
Hunter's diary: Unibozu
Hunter's diary: Common monsters
Chapter 4: cover
Cast on journey (chapter 4)
Snake eyes
The legendary legend of legend
Also Spratch Zarathustra
The class bully
The Succubus group
First contact
Alone in the dark
Thundercats, go!
Incomplete memory
To the Riddle
Challenge accepted
The Succubus gaze
Blind faith
Unexpected atheism
The girl who cried Wolf
The Gods will
Power tattoos
It's morphying time
No man can kill me
Religious battle
Victory thoughts
You've heard of Switchaxes, now get ready for...
Supressing fire
I'll lend you a hand
Wolf the hedgehog
Devil's due
Walk a mile on her shoes
Death finger
Come with me if you want to live
The biggest fan
Not so secret identity
Ramemba, Ramemba, the 5th of novemba
Questions & answers 8
Monster girl problems
Two heads are better than one
Hunter's diary: Bonestealer
Chapter 5 Cover
Cast on journey
Big reptiles from the past
The old guard
Solid snake
Flawless infiltration
Old habits
Small problems
The great guardian
Taelulas space program
The sword of a thousand truths
Poker face
Violin tension music
Straight to the point
Dirt clouds
Bring here that couch
Tourist location
Patrimony of humanity
You talking to me?
It's a party
It's a blast
Smash bross melee
Rank G armor
Cat fight
This is da song of mah people
Death by Salamander
High level encounter
Chargus interruptus
Freeza style
Heavy weight
Merry go round
Critical hit
Ice vs Fire
The Stage boss
The Cells games
A slow tango
With double of ice
Infinity gauntlet
A Shooting star
Don't skip legs day
The World!
Flawless victory
Don't ask a lady about her age
Ilegal inmigrant
Objective acquired
A new challenger appears
Bitch slap
Muda muda da
A well-mannered fight
First experiences
Welcome to reality
Lost hope
Making a stand
That mysterious word
One shall fall
It was me all along
New looks
And we are back
A Succubus trap
Shameless hentai
Protag time
Potoka village
Revisit time
Rotoka & Kotoka
Christmas dinner
It's a me!
Questions & answers 9
Questions & answers 10
Salamander slayer
The black knight
Movies night out
Kid's play
Interlude 2
Cast on journey (interlude 2)
A fisherman's tale
Black Hawk Down
The visitors
Strange things
Manners maketh man
The biggest fan
Sexual assault
Doggy style
Q&A 11
Chapter 6: Cover
Cast on journey
Happy Reunion
Standard salute
Little K'sara
A menial task
The perfect plan
Oh no there's more than two
We are in
Rule of 3
Old new faces
Climbing a mountain
Face the consequences
By a split hair
Inner thought
Rumble roses
Killer abs
Not so secret weapon
Arms race
The sand village
I introduce you to the floor
Mopping the floor
Taelula's space program practical application
High hopes
One hit wonder
Flaming arrow
Ad blocker
Surprise muthafucka
HP sponge
Fast and furious
Hammer the gap
Kaio-ken times 4
One shall stand, one shall fall
Completely unexpected shonen victory
Someone called da police
Old wounds
Ladies night
Chicken Holmes
Bad advice
The Keraken duo
Hatoful girlfriend?
Rhetorical question
And that's my plan
Like a married couple
Coitus interuptus
Drawing economics
Broken dreams
The tower of Sandron
City builder
Story timeline
Q&A 12
Q&A 13
Casino royale
Show me the booty, show me
There's no stoping the Batman
Body pillow
Chapter 7 cover
Cast on journey
A demon's journey
Dat ass
The hunter becomes the prey
Hit me harder
4d chess
Twice in a row
I'm making you an offer you can't refuse
A little lie
Absolutely not my intention
Say what
The woman who looked like everyone
When your friend and her mother argue
Let's disagree to agree
A new player joins the party
Forbidden acts
Deep sadness
Farewell party
The Queen of England
Mrs Buu
Self defense
Feet to meter conversor
Dance for me
Happy feet
The circus is in town
Low blow
Live shitposting
Pegasus meteor fist
Flaming's Moe
Hello darkness my old friend
Essence Mozarts
Not so fast
Feel the force
Prepare for trouble, and make it double
Super Smash sis
The Queen of Salamanders
Leroy jenkins
It was the work of an enemy stand
Karate kid
Fight fire with fire
The Waterboy
Knowledge is power, and i don't know shit
Heavy bombardment
The Safe space defense
Preventive strike
The visitor
Only imperial stormtroopers are so precise
All in family
Salamander reasoning
Armageddon has arrived
Not good enough
A small problem
Round 1, fight!
Death fist
Hide and seek
Don't skip neck's day
Capoeira time
Welcome to the FMMA
Fidget spinner
Here comes a new presenter
You made me use, like, 5% of my power, man
Charged and ready
Shonku hadouken
Free buffet
Thanks for the energy
When the bass kicks in
Anti Air Battery
Battle boomer
A helpful thing
Mouse trap
Killing flies with a cannon
A falling star
Endurance test
Big bang attack
Burning passion
The legendary super saiyan
Total incognito
Non-aggression pact
Team Belafor
The family grows
Ant agonist
Friendly match
A bunch of weirdos
The doctor is in da house
Thus spoke...
Hunter's diary: Essence parasite
Hunter's diary: Dracobullet
Q&A 14
Questions and answers 15
Q&A 16
Monster girls on Genshin
Monster girls in school
Chapter 8 cover
Cast on journey
Vuvucela, the best instrument
I fear no man
Pros and Cons
Oni mk.2
Mothoko mk.2
Centaur mk.2
Kitsune mk.2
The fellowship of the lewd
Asmara ecology
Armored cavalry
I was young i needed the money
Red sheep
All thanks to me
Exchange student
Cold hands
Paper thin walls
Cold feet
New guy
Impregnable security
Free hugs
The refrigerator is broken
Yandere simulator
Surprise Yandere
Long distance games
Advanced student
Nice try
Urban warfare
The Monster Elite 4
Q&A 17
Q&A 18
Shonen mania
Shonen mania 2
Monster girls on school 3
Monster girls in school 4
Rolling lizard
Chapter 9 cover
Cast on journey
It's time to d-d-d-d-duel
My time has come
Our battle will be legendary
Sono chi no sadame
En Garde
Fight fire with fire
Fox's cunning
Too much on the nose
Merry go round
Hot dog
Smoke bomb
Adobe acrobat
Captain tsubasa
Wardrobe malfunction
Big brother
Silver chariot
Steel ball run
Heavy tank
Parting the waters
Panzer V
Water is wet
Like a wrecking ball
Moving rocks
Rolling lizards
Sound spreads further in water
Uncontrolled demolition
Final stretch
Wall Street Crash
By a split hair
Game set
Last words
Ikemen simulator
Cavalry victory
Q&A 19
Q&A 20
Monster girls on coivd
Speed racer
Hunter's diary: Insect type
Chapter 10 cover
The corner
Joust cause
Flying horse
Air raid
Monologus interruptus
It's windy today
This isn't even my final form
High rise
Superman rescue
Hat trick
Big problems
Lesson 1
Ace shot
Sport switch
Brand new
Nakama power
Healthy diet
Friendly fire
One Man Swarm
I know Kung fu
Fly away
Fly spray
The long game
Fly swatter
Low voltage
Taser attack
I know Kung fu
Endurance test
Smoke machine
Q&A 21
Q&A 22
Chapter 11 cover
Family conflict
Ad blocker
Gate of Robukan
Artillery strike
The Hand
The cage
The Stone dome
Super Burst
Rey skywalker
Here we go again
Shock therapy
Rock formation
Flawless plan
Gunlance reloaded
Boss music
Cold shower
Ecchi slime
Boss Latin chorus
The revolution
It's a Gundam!
Bigger is better
Superhero comic splash page
Big foot
Breaking point
Yuki onna
A storm is coming
Run for your life
Wings of salvation
Ice tomb
Best friends
Goodbye friend
Sleeping beauty
A new journey
Questions and answers 23
Can you do this?
Nothing has changed
Interlude 3
Harpy's team
Fenrir and T'Zarkova
The Wolf is back
Yet another tour
Questions and answers 24
Chapter 12: The island
The Keraken duo
The Guild hunters
Wyvern and Drake
When it all began
The cursed blade
Leviazan's legacy
To the island
You are a pirate!
Hunter's expertise
Metal gear solid
The spring of essence
Revealing thoughts
Married with children
Vampiric drain
Flashback time
Days of future past
Too much water
What's the boiling temperature?
Sour victory
Fast forward
I have the high ground
Deja vu
Extreme measures
A matter of principle
My name is Iñigo Montoya
It was me all along
What a small world
Breaking the ice
An offer you can't refuse
Sudden death
Expeditious retreat
You're hearing his voice
Questions and answers 25
Shippings and answers
672-673-674 random humor
Chapter 13: Guild adventure
Hunting the Rabiox
Training session
We meet again?
It's a promise
Old news
The professional
New challenger: Oni
New challenger: Mothoko
There's always a bigger fish
Medusa team
Everyone to the tournament
The lore of Netlampa
Questions and answers 26
The king of the hill
Chapter 14: the tournament
The coliseum
Succubus team vs Kitsune team
1 vs 4
Armed and ready
Planing phase
Focus the tank
Air raid
The unstoppable force
Serious business
Safety distance
Bring it on
Mid fight conversation
The immovable object
Power wash
Rabiox vs Steel
Questions and answers 27
Random shit
Random shit 2
Chapter 15
The three musketeers
Risky tactics
Bowling alley
Powering up
Low profile
Close victory
It lives!
Pariah Versus
It's science!
Quick resolution
Round 5
Random bullshit go
Q&A 28
Chapter 16: Medusa's team
I challenge you
Hitting the nail
You’re gonna notice a small change of pace in the comic. So far i’ve tried to compress as much as i could in the smallest number of pages; i was introducing characters and their journeys and there were so many of them that i tried to make it as fast as it was sensible possible. Now characters are presented, their journeys are set, and the story can go forward.