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Become a PatronInsightful Ivy (ENFP)
Timid Tiffany (ESTJ)
Brilliant Brent (ISFP)
Decent Damian (ENTP)
Sensible Zaid (ENFJ)
Neat Nick (INTP)
Social Sam (INTJ)
Handy Harry (ISTP)
Light-hearted Lucas (ENTJ)
Strategic Sascha (ESFP)
Independent Otto (ISTJ)
Orderly Olivia (INFP)
Calm Claire (ESFJ)
Valiant Vera (ISFJ)
Inspiring Isaak (ESTP)
Dynamic Dylana (INFJ)
Enlightened deaths part 1; And so it begins
E.D. part 2; maximum mayhem
E.D. part 3; Blackout
E.D. part 4; Accident encounter
E.D. part 5; Friend or foe
E.D. part 6; Luck and leverage
E.D. part 7; acceleration and desperation
E.D. part 8; Final encounter
E.D. part 9; Time's up
E.D. part 10; Sacred humanity
Enlightened deaths finale
Thank you for reading my comic, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much I enjoyed making it! Would you like to buy a physical copy of the full mbti.comics graphic novel? Than stay tuned for my launch on kickstarters: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mbticomics/mbticomics