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Become a Patron- The Snooze Button
- Catching the Beelzebus
- Dog Souls are the Best Souls
- Such Fun
- The Beelzeboss
- Definitely Delete the Search History
- Local Cockatrices
- Local Gorgons
- Horror of Eternity
- Executive Decisions
- Hold, Please
- "Important"
- Tumour Muzak
- An Accounting of Harpies
- The Daily Regret
- The Best Teacher
- Emotional Toner
- Illusionary Photocopiers
- "Busy"
- Toner Rejected
- What The Here?
- Intern, Slave, Serf... Pick One
- Nobody Calls You
- Hell-Slave-Money
- Go Jump in a Lake of Fire
- Running Improvement
- Running of the Sheilas
- Femur Harmonica
- Forgetful
- He Thinks He's Funny
- Nicknames
- Why Do We Have This Place!?
- Reading is Hard
- The Sticky Notes of Self-Confidence
- He's Right Behind Me, Isn't He?
- Cockatrice Butts 2: The Re-Butting
- 99 Printers and I Forgot Which One
- Yo Yo Yo, Kick It
- Never Stop Screaming
- Your Plans Mean Nothing to Me
- Your Plans Mean Nothing to the Photocopier
- Horny for Work
- Work the Butts
- Actual Chlamydia
- How!?
- Meat-ing
- Have a Nice Trip
- "Or Something"
- And His Brain Vomited Forever
- Nobody Reads the Fine Print
- Candied Sheep Day
- The Bravest I.T. Imp
- The Word is Butts
- His Brain Screamed
- Training Day
- Sleeve Time
- Shredder Sans Mutagen
- Intern Stuff
- Toast
- Fire Water
- Workin' Hard or Hardly Workin'?
- Canadian Standoff
- The Chase
- Suffer in Silence
- Are Glass Chips Not Food?
- I Think I Broke It
- The Line
- Nom Nom Nom
- Comedy
- Honourable, Horrible Monster
- After-Afterlife
- Seasons in the Abyss
- The Sellout
- The Annual Candied Sheep Riot
- Problem Solving
- No Plan
- Doug Flutie
- Panic Rules
- Satan Give Me Health Insurance
- Ghost Butts
- I Don't Make The Rules
- Operation: Flee in Terror
- Muster Point Massacre
- Couch Spiders
- Abandon All Hope
- Exorcise Exercise
- Fart Bus
- Candied Sheep Lung
- Summoned
- Mandatory Intramural Slo-Pitch
- Mandatory Intramural Overtime
- All Practice All The Time
- Hats, Crushers of Emotions
- Nuclear Fishin'
- Mucilaginous
- Inarticulate Rage
- Promotions
- Technical Terms
- How We Do Things Here
- Skyrocketed
- Home Run
- Pretend Rummaging
- The Pain of Comedy
- Visions of Horror and Tetris
- Butt Fusion
- Potato?
- If I Don't Laugh, I'll Cry
- Vital Knowledge
- Be the Cockatrice Butt
- Eyes on the Prize
- Pot vs. Kettle
- Arms Like Noodles
- Sweaty Steve
- Shots, Shots, Shotsshotsshots
- First Responders
- They'll Find a Way to Kill Her Again
- Princess of Hell
- Drag Me to Hell (From Elsewhere in Hell)
- The Floor is Lava
- It Would Have Been Better to Eat a Person
- Untitled Hell Comic
- Taking the Stairs
- You WANTED to Melt Your Skin Off
- Friiiiiends
- Don't Book a Massage in Hell
- Too Much? Too Much
- Failure to Toady
- A Very Normal Face
- The Bad Chair
- R.I.P. Your Butt
- Tetris Brain
- The Bad Chair Wars
- Sneakity Swappity
- Forgot How to Chair
- You're Scheming Too Loud
- Chair Crimes
- The Mediocre-est Laid Plans
- Office Ninja
- Ping Pong Plan
- Something a Coat Rack Would Say
- The Great Escape
- The Opportunity Cost of Chairs
- Anthropomorphized Shapes
- Anthropomorphized Shapesball
- Reasonable Practice Schedule
- Champions
- Montageball
- Time is a Flat Diamond
- I Live Here Now
- Brain Genius
- Satan was a Typo
- Stan's Satanic All-Stars
- Super Sweaty Steve
- Homer'd
- No Effort All-Stars
- Actually Try, Now
- Emotional Growth
- Somebody Else to Blame
- Champions of Unpaid Overtime
- The Most Terrible Punishment
- Terrible Step-stool
- A Promotion's a Promotion
- Demoted
- Greatest Hits
- No Fun with the Bad Chair
- Busted
- Re-promoted
- Subtlety
- Gloating Doesn't Have to Make Sense
- Stingerless Bees my Butt
- Clear Eyes, Full of Bees, Can't Lose
- Scrumptiosity
- Fried Tires and Nuclear Fish
- Worst Person in Hell
- Immediate Regret
- Less Immediate Regret
- Carry On
- Fired into the Sun
- This Shall Not Stand
- Punishful Punishosity
- Punishment Delivery
- Professional Sit-Downers
- Deflated
- Hell, Inc. and the Deathly Silence
- A Great Start
- Very Different Problems
- Work Purposes
- I.T. to the Rescue
- Ambient Misery
- Puzzled
- Nothing to See Here
- Tetris Must Be Destroyed
- Puzzle It Out
- No Plan for Dying Inside
- Secret Misery Weapon
- A Very Short Mystery
- No Fun For You
- The Normalest
- That Good Misery
- Solid Sara
- Lava Bees
- Dumb Dummy
- Butt Schedule
- Traumatized Again
- Drinkable Plans
- Extreme Christmas Measures
- A Good Pull
- O'Helliplans
- Favourite Person-Adjacent-Demon-Thing
- A Third Thing
- Soul Searching
- The Wrong Focus
- Work Place Skeleton Face
- Good at Being a Face
- Object Permanence
- The Shape of a Name
- That Good Motor Oil
- Jazz Hands!
- The Perfect Unsaid Plan
- One of THOSE Jobs
- Voluntold
- Probably Not the Worst Job
- Correct Cowards
- The Client Yeeting Department
- Cerberus
- Back Soup
- Don't Suggest It
- My Hero's Broken Body
- All Jobs Involve Cerberus Pee
- The Most Productive
- Totally Under Control
- The Secret Technique
- Not A Good Time
- Never (Immediately) Forget
- Exhausted
- Antifreeze Vibrations
- Butt-based Stealth
- The Boot-Lickening
- Excellent Taste
- Pretend Motivation
- Schadenfreude
- Wrong for the Job
- Not an Angel Drill
- The Angel of Face Melting
- Don't Look at the Sun... er, Angels
- The Running of the Skeletons
- The Only One Allowed to Puke
- Happy?
- Cheers
- Santa Sez
- Punishment Drink?
- What Drinking is About
- One For Everybody
- Solidarity
- Christmas Party Benefits
- Sheila's Sign Language
- Spiritual Quest
- A Skeleton Lover or a Skeleton Fighter?
- Iterative Toasts
- Evolution of Dance?
- Diance Party
- Topics of Conversation
- Anti-gravity Spiders
- Spirit-ual Journey
- Bridget, Bar Fight Champion of Hell
- That Old Femur Harmonica Song and Dance
- How Many is Too Many?
- What's Your Move?
- What to Do With an Eternity
- A More Interesting Topic
- Even and Sticky
- Sobering Sponge
- Keep Dancing Until Santa Replaces Your Blood
- Hard to Get
- Against Helen's Love
- Chaotic Helen Noises
- Cartoon Brawling Dust Clouds
- Drunk Santa vs. Ceiling Skeleton
- The Most Christmas Party
- The Bill
- Ladies Man Doug
- Time Keeps on Ticking
- Spiralling Wildly
- Running for the Beelzebus
- Next Bus?
- Universal Job Badness
- Hell Transit, Inc.
- Bat-Steve
- Helen the Cat
- You Forgot Something
- The Bus Waits for No Demon
- Hindsight
- The Worst Morning
I'm starting a really big book project this month, which will be taking up the entirety of my drawing time. I'm going to be reducing updates on Webtoon back to the previous two per week while I'm working on that.