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"New Arrival"
"What's this?"
"Winnie- I smell a child"
"I'm the Ghost with the Most, Babe."
"I'm only an Elected Official"
"Hers is the story that haunts these halls."
"It's Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus"
"I Don't Say 'Bleh Bleh Bleh'!"
"Isn't the view beautiful? It takes my breath away."
"Amuck, amuck, amuck!"
"You've just crossed over into... the Twilight Zone."
"I'm a mean green mother from outer space and I'm BAD!!"
"It means the past is coming back to haunt you!"
"I Sense There's Something in the Wind."
"But If You Had Regular Hands, You'd Be Like Everyone Else."
"Quoth the Raven"
"I didn't hate my mother, it was an accident"
"Welcome Foolish Mortals"
"Not The Pouty Bat Face"
"Come! We Fly!" Part 1
"Come! We Fly!" Part 2
"Come! We fly!" Part 3
Season 2 Promo
"Hurry back!"
"I am the shadow on the moon at night"
"Another glorious morning... Makes me sick!"
"There's an eye in me soup"
"I myself am strange and unusual"
"Beware of Hitchhiking Ghosts."
"My skull’s so full, it’s tearing me apart."
"Hello, I want my book. Bonjour, je veux mon livre."
"Curiosity killed the cat, you know"
"to protect from zombies, witches, and old boyfriends.”
"Grim, Grinning Ghosts Come Out to Socialize"
"Being Normal is Vastly Overrated."
"Life's No Fun Without a Good Scare"
"I suggest we form a calming circle."
"Nothing's More Suspicious Than Frog's Breath"
“Nobody sensible believes in ghosts anyway"
"Lonesome Ghosts"
"We danced the Mamushka while Nero fiddled"
"Spooky, Scary Skeletons" (Season Finale)
Season 3 Announcement
"Nobody gets out of the Bermuda Triangle"
"I Challenge You to a Witches Battle!"
"Bubble, bubble, I’m in trouble."
"I'm getting that deja vu feeling again!"
"I want some questions! Now!"
'Handbook of the Recently Diseased'
“I am alone. I am *utterly* alone.”
"Next to the Graveyard by the Old Oak Tree"
"Oh, young Cromwell. You thought you could hide from me?"
Season 3 Continues...
"Twist the Bones and Bend the Back..."
"Let's turn on the juice and see what shakes loose."
"Creepy Old Guy"
“It’s not Dad. It’s Dadcula."
"Well, well, well. What Have We Here?"
"Freshest Ex"
"You're Gonna Be Popular"
"They Zinged!"
"A Swinging Wake"
"According to Plan" (Season Finale)