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1.01 - Sleep paralysis
1.02 - Two Creamy Cappucinos Please
1.03 - Scaring customers away
1.04 - Vegan thought
1.05 - Scared subconscious
1.06 - Three candles, two dresses
1.07 - Not a compliment at all, actually
1.08 - Vape & Roast Night
1.09 - Jumpscare, jump-scare
1.10 - No connection
1.11 - Heard but ignored
1.12 - Can we stop asking bad questions
1.13 - Blood, blood, and blood
1.14 - Good news and worse news
1.15 - Don't proceed (CW: blood, gore)
1.16 - We'll do our best
Intermission 1 - little snacks
2.01 - Youth
OOPS! FLFR will resume next week!
2.02 - You do that anyway
2.03 - Ice Green. Tree cream?
2.04 - Casual
2.05 - Didn't know
2.06 - Eggplant stew with lamb
2.07 - One heart full (WE'RE BACK FR BABEEY)
2.08 - Turned stupid
2.09 - Oh shucks
2.10 - You wouldn't dare
2.11 - Blurting it out
2.12 - Flattered but naah
2.13 - Little Deer
2.14 - Looking for cute
2.15 - Can you trust anyone
2.16 - Wishful thinking
2.17 - Awkward exit
2.18 - Thump - END OF CH 2
Intermission 2 - Reader Questions
3.01 - Do your best!!
3.02 - Late night visitor
3.03 - Freaked Out
3.04 - Safety Blanket
3.05 - Uneasy without an umbrella
FLFR kicking off again MARCH 31ST!
3.06 - You Were Cool
3.07 - Bravery points
3.08 - I got art to make
3.09 - Come sit
3.10 - Not again
3.11 - Big Mistake
3.12 - Sauce or whatever
3.13 - All over your mug
3.14 - Zero tact, dude
3.15 - Snap out of it
3.16 - Like it's easy (CW BLOOD)
3.17 - You handful
3.18 - Waste those suckers
3.19 - Our very own - END OF CH 3
INTERMISSION - minicomic about Feelings
INTERMISSION - minicomic about Feelings part 2
4.01 - Is it worth it?
4.02 - I might be next
4.03 - Far from quiet
4.04 - Beef jerky
shorter update than i intended because im zipping between home and work computers/tablets BUT i am slowlyy revving my engines! vroom vroom see you next week! :DD