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Become a PatronPrologue - Hello, Young Creator
Prologue - Your "O.C." is Around Here Somewhere!
Prologue - In Order to Approach Her...
Prologue - ...Quite Problematic.
Prologue - Childish and Basic!
Prologue - What Even IS This Thing?
Prologue - ...So Why Bother?
Prologue - I'm Not Wanted
Prologue - Non-Existence
Prologue - I Know Someone, Someday, Will Need You
Prologue - The Realm of Imagination
Intro - In a Box
Intro - Your Time Will Come
Happy Holidays!!
Intro - It Begins.
Happy New Year!!
Intro - Hello, Young Creator
Intro - In All My Time Here...
Intro - A Small Trickle
Intro - Once Upon a Time...
Intro - When I say "It Begins"...
I/I - So That's It?
I/I - Are You An Idea?
I/I - Say More Nice Things
I/I - Symbols
I/I -Rules
I/I - Call and Refusal
I/I - Won't They End Up Like Me?!
I/I - Elsie's Home
I/I - Accept
I/I - Just Pick One, Geez!
I/I - Inserting
I/I - I'll Do What It Takes!
I/I - Do Not Interact
(QNA Portion CLOSED) Hiatus and Q&A Announcement YIPPEE
Plouffes - Where's the Party?!
Plouffes - You Caught Us
Figments First Year Anniversary YIPPEEE
Plouffes - The Silliest Thing!
Plouffes - Not Finished
Plouffes - If They See You
Plouffes - Cotton Crazy
Plouffes - I Have Ways...
Plouffes - I Know What You Are!
Plouffes - You Have the Means!
Plouffes - Esteemed Guests
Plouffes - Height Besties
Hiatus Announcement
Ooooh not Ayzie doing the recap episode in the Intro! Making the paper cutout panels was so much fun once I figured out how to go about doing it! Next week is the final part of the Intro. It took so long to get here and I'm grateful you're all here with me!! Next week: Intro - "When I say 'It begins...'" I'm considering doing a Figments Q&A - If anyone has Figments questions feel free to ask!