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Become a PatronRoots: Beginning
Roots: Fate 1
Roots: Fate 2
Roots: Force 1
Roots: Force 2
Roots: Force 3
Roots: Force 4
Roots: Force 5
Art Spotlight: Force
Roots: Time 1
Roots: Time 2
Roots: Time 3
Roots: Time 4
Roots: Dusk 1
Roots: Dusk 2
Roots: End
Concept Art and Update
Recap & Return
#1 Seed
#2 Rumors
#3 Meetings
#4 Connection
#5 Sight
#6 Junk
#7 Careful
#8 Bond
#9 Call
#10 Reach
#11 Soul
#12 Help
#13 The Stranger
#14 Noted
#15 Cottage
#16 Soulbound
#17 Intentions
#18 Forged
#19 Encounter
Update Coming Wednesday!
#20 Stolen
#21 Follow
#22 Bad Idea
#23 Tell
#24 Show
#25 Archon
#26 Realization
#27 Outside Help
#28 New Friend
#29 Sneaky?
#30 Subtle
#31 Oops
#32 Truth
#33 Secrets
#34 Guide
#35 Curious
#36 Walls
#37 Experience
#38 Threshold
#39 Accomplice
#40 Circle
#41 Magic
#42 Proceed with Caution
#43 We See You
#44 The Key
#45 Open
#46 Recollection
#47 Reckless
#48 Old Vows
#49 To the Depths
#50 Ward
#51 Otherworld
#52 Rescue
#53 Take Off
#54 Uh Oh
#55 Trouble
#56 Path
#57 Trespass
#59 Caught
#60 Impact
#61 Found
#62 Problem
#63 Retaliate
#64 Do Unto Others
#65 Do Unto Others (2)
#66 The Man from the Void
#67 The Breach (1)
#68 The Breach (2)
#69 The Breach (3)
#70 The Breach (4)
#71 The Breach (5)
#72 The Breach (6)
You guys hear that? Sounds like bad decisions being made.