sooo i tried to add the content rating thing &due to some themes im planning on adding in a future character arc (suicide) . it got rated mature! which would be fine i guess?? account...does not let me view mature rated comics. so i cannot read my own comic. i would really like to so until i turn 18 i guess? dog& will be only on tumblr (&my disc server)
TUMBLR USERNAME: dogandcomic
sooo i tried to add the content rating thing &due to some themes im planning on adding in a future character arc (suicide) . it got rated mature! which would be fine i guess?? account...does not let me view mature rated comics. so i cannot read my own comic. i would really like to so until i turn 18 i guess? dog& will be only on tumblr (&my disc server) TUMBLR USERNAME: dogandcomic