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Why do we have to move?
Making friends
It has everything!
Howdy, Neighbor!
Welcome to the Neighborhood!
Listen, Pixel...
Powerful Magic
Not a Pet
I see you've met the kids!
You can't force it
It's a Beautiful Day
I didn't know fairies used cell phones
Fairy magic
Something terrible has happened!
How? HOW?!
Ways to communicate
Powerful Magic
You turned your brother into a frog?
Are you going to turn Edwin into a person?
Don't mess with Wilma
An Apology
Why didn't you tell me?
Keep it down!
Ghost music
That explains it...
Bad deal
Looks like you didn't sleep well last night
So Relaxed!
Look on the Bright Side!
Go Ask!
I've Come Up with a Solution
It's a Beautiful Day!
Don't Panic!
Why, Oh Why?!
Let's See...
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