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[SEASON 1] Warm-up!!
[TAPE 1] Stitches!! 1
Stitches!! 2
Stitches!! 3
Stitches!! 4
Stitches!! 5
Stitches!! 6
Stitches!! 7
Stitches!! 8
Stitches!! 9
Stitches!! 10
Stitches!! 11
Stitches!! 12
Stitches!! 13
Stitches!! 14
Stitches!! 15 [TAPE 1 - End]
[TIME-OUT!!] Short Story Contest
[TAPE 2] Stutter!! 1
Stutter!! 2
Stutter!! 3
Stutter!! 4
Stutter!! 5
Stutter!! 6
Stutter!! 7
Stutter!! 8
Stutter!! 9
Stutter!! 10
Stutter!! 11
Stutter!! 12
Stutter!! 13
Stutter!! 14
Stutter!! 15
Stutter!! 16
Stutter!! 17
Stutter!! 18
Stutter!! 19
Stutter!! 20
Stutter!! 21
Stutter!! 22
Stutter!! 23 - [TAPE 2 - End]
[TIME-OUT!!] Country & School
[TAPE 3] Cold Showers!! 1
Cold Showers!! 2
Cold Showers!! 3
Cold Showers!! 4
Cold Showers!! 5
Cold Showers!! 6
Cold Showers!! 7
Cold Showers!! 8
Cold Showers!! 9
Cold Showers!! 10
Cold Showers!! 11
Cold Showers!! 12
Cold Showers!! 13
Cold Showers!! 14
Cold Showers!! 15
Cold Showers!! 16
Cold Showers!! 17
Cold Showers!! 18
Cold Showers!! 19
Cold Showers!! 20
Cold Showers!! 21
Cold Showers!! 22
Cold Showers!! 23
Cold Showers!! 24
Cold Showers!! 25
Cold Showers!! 26
Cold Showers!! 27
Cold Showers!! 28
Cold Showers!! 29
Cold Showers!! 30
Cold Showers!! 31
Cold Showers!! 32
Cold Showers!! 33
Cold Showers!! 34
Cold Showers!! 35
Cold Showers!! 36
Cold Showers!! 37
Cold Showers!! 38 - SEASON FINALE
[TIME-OUT!!] Character Profile: Carter
[TIME-OUT!!] Recap: Season 1
Run!! 1
Run!! 2
Run!! 3
Run!! 4
Run!! 5
Run!! 6
Run!! 7
Run!! 8
Run!! 9
Run!! 10
Run!! 11
Run!! 12
Run!! 13
Run!! 14
Run!! 15
Run!! 16
Run!! 17
Run!! 18 (Chapter Finale)
[TIME-OUT!!] Reuben vs. Scott
[TAPE 5 ] Idle Worship!! (Cover)
Idle Worship!! 1
Idle Worship!! 2
Idle Worship!! 3
Idle Worship!! 4
Idle Worship!! 5
Idle Worship!! 6
Idle Worship!! 7
Idle Worship!! 8
Idle Worship!! 9
Idle Worship!! 10
Idle Worship!! 11
Idle Worship!! 12
Idle Worship!! 13
Idle Worship!! 14
Idle Worship!! 15
Idle Worship!! 16
Idle Worship!! 17
Idle Worship!! 18
Idle Worship!! 19
Idle Worship!! 20
Idle Worship!! 21 (Chapter finale)
[TAPE 6 ] Sinner!! 1
Sinner!! 2
Sinner!! 3
Sinner!! 4
Sinner!! 5
Sinner!! 6
Sinner!! 7
Sinner!! 8
Sinner!! 9
Sinner!! 10
Sinner!! 11
Sinner!! 12a
Sinner!! 12b
Sinner!! 13
Sinner!! 14
Sinner!! 15
Sinner!! 16
Sinner!! 17
Sinner!! 18
Sinner!! 19
Sinner!! 20
Sinner!! 21
Sinner!! 22
Sinner!! 23
Sinner!! 24
Sinner!! 25
Sinner!! 26
Sinner!! 27
Sinner!! 28
Sinner!! 29
Sinner!! 30
Sinner!! 31
Sinner!! 32
*Sinner!! 33
*Sinner!! 34 [Chapter Finale]
[TIME-OUT!!] BPD awareness illustration
[TAPE 7] Problem!! 1
Problem!! 2
Problem!! 3
Problem!! 4
Problem!! 5
Problem!! 6
Problem!! 7
Problem!! 8
*Problem!! 9
*Problem!! 10
*Problem!! 11
Problem!! 12
*Problem!! 13
Read me - Changes & Hiatus
Changes are online!
Problem!! 14
Problem!! 15
Problem!! 16
Problem!! 17 [Chapter Finale]
Chapter 7 will start uploading in about 1-2 months! Because of the break & removed last ep, I wanted to lead you into the hiatus with this illustration I did for the BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) & Mental Health Awareness Month in MAY. BE AWARE and take care of your brain, everyone!! Drawing inspired by "HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON'T" - by Fall Out Boy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYv-MSO8