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S01 - w0 - Start
S01 - w1a - Clean
S01 - w1b - Frost
S01 - w1c - Pure
S01 - w1d - Knight
S01 - w1e - Parchment
S01 - w1f - Lily
S01 - w1g - Ashen
S01 - w1h - Chalk
S01 - w1i - Dove
S01 - w2a - Bleached
S01 - w2b - Noise
S01 - w2c - Pale
S01 - w2d - Sugar
S01 - w2e - Lacking
S01 - w2f - Spotless
S01 - w2g - Hope
S01 - w2h - Empty
S01 - w2i - Daisy
S01 - w2j - Teeth
S01 - w2k - Clear
S01 - w2l - Ivory
S01 - w2m - Fair
S01 - w2n - Cloud
S01 - Afterward
S02 - r0 - Stop
S02 - r1a - Cardinal
S02 - r1b - Balloon
S02 - r1c - Rose
S02 - r1d - Finch
S02 - r1e - Hibiscus
S02 - r1f - Robin
S02 - r2a - Sunrise
S02 - r2b - Ibis
S02 - r2c - Poppy
S02 - r2d - Root
S02 - r2e - Caution
S02 - 1k Subscribers!
S02 - r2f - Salmon
S02 - r2g - Fight
S02 - r2h - Blush
S02 - r2i - Wound
S02 - r2j - Pain
S02 - quick break!
S02 - r2k - Mountain
S02 - r2l - Licorice
S02 - r2m - Survival
S02 - r2n - Velvet
S02 - r2o - Spear
S02 - r2p - Threat
S02 - r2q - Heart
S02 - r2r - Apple
S02 - r2s - Cranberry
S02 - r2t - Pomegranate
S02 - r2u - Onion
S02 - r2v - Pepper
S02 - r2w - Paprika
S02 - r2x - Cayenne
S02 - r2y - Beet
S02 - r2z - Bean
S02 - Intermission
You may have noticed the little picture forming from the episode thumbnails. I did this in my old webcomic and just couldn't resist.