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Become a Patron- The Mission
- Life Choices
- Direct Communication
- Kinda Outta Place
- Barbecue Invitation
- Survival Instinct
- We've Done This Before
- Hopes Down
- Spicy Food Consequences
- You Know How Much That Hurts
- A Not Desired Fame
- An Honest Mistake
- (Not Quite), CHARGE!
- Back to Normal (Sort of)
- Man the cataPUGlts!
- Manly Manliness
- Barely Noticable Complex
- Seriously, It’s NOT Paranoia
- Kinda Like A Reverse Sixth Sense Kid
- The First Step Is Denial
- It’s Always The Game’s Fault
- A Name To Live By
- Maybe Back Then It Was Useful, I Dunno
- Delegating Legacies
- Justified Overreaction
- And That’s Why They’re A Team
- Swift Moves
- One Shot
- On His Way Back
- Myth Busted
- Cooking Manual
- It worked, right?
- Someone’s Gotta Do It
- Almost Got It
- Stealth Level: -1
- He Actually Just Guessed
- Maybe If He Says Please
- Sob Story Aside
- More Like Long Darts
- A Magical Place
- That Name Will Never Pick Up
- So, No Exchange Then?
- Minor Distraction
- The Convenience Of Having A Horse
- The Fall Of An Empire
- Sounds Familiar
- And They’ll Make A TV Show About It
- It’ll Be A LONG Wait
- New Quest, Old Quest
- Always The Suspect
- Best/Worst Plan
- Even Without The Pellet
- Best Solution
- Sweet Lair
- The Reunion
- Horrible Guessing
- As If It Was An Art
- NOW It’s Over… Again
- Lasting Stubbornness
- Flinging Hope
- Terms And Conditions
- Out To No Good
- Dooming Them All
- Silent Night, Wet Night
- Stealth To The Minimum
- Not Rehearsed
- Night Shift
- Pop POOF
- Last (Shameful) Resource
- Good Night Then
- When It’s Not About You
- Just A Splinter
- Flailing To Victory
- Beauty Tips
- Did You See Me?
- My Own Bare Hands
- The Goin’ Gets Tough from the Getgo
- So Many People in the Neighborhood
- She Wanted To Leave
- Friends
- Cover It With Gas And Set It On Fire
- Tender Situation
- You Were The Fool
- Never Squeal On Th’ Pusher
- Boing
- It’s Gonna Be (Alright)
- Don’t Sweat It
- Tried And True
- Right to the Ways and the Rules of the World
- Everlasting Friendship
- Not A Contract
- Done Outta Love
- Until They Invent Jetpacks
- Much Love
- Heartfelt Goodbye
- Personal Reality Check
- Like a Lovable Aunt
- A Bit Of Both
- Pizza Table
- Just A Courtesy
- Convenient Enough
- As Useful
- Snack
- Making Friends
- Wrong Thing, Right Time
- Personal Space
- It's A Party Now
- Royalty Pains
- We Came, We Conquered, We Go Now
- Life Saving Worthy
- History In The Making
- Someday It’ll Work
- That’s What Friends Are For
- Excuses, Excuses
- Worth Askin’
- Worth Tryin’
- Tricky Prey
- You Dropped This
- Aww, For Me?
- Getting Desperate
- Might as Well
- Friendship is Magic
- Or Blinking
- Seafood Buffet
- Opium Fields
- Not Even Halloween
- Up To a Good Start
- It’s Still a Solution
- And He Can’t Leave
- Who You Gonna Call?
- Better Than Old Man Withers
- Sound Confirmation
- Him And Old Baby Dolls
- Impatiently Fearless
- Some Work Better Alone
- The Real Fairy Tale
- Knock Knock Joke
- Common Practice
- Doesn’t Always Work
- Oh, Boy…
- Any Plan B?
- Exit, Stage Left
- Happily Ever Forever
- Fast Food
- Just Imagine
- How Quaint
- Aiming High, and Sideways
- Haggis!
- Stalling Emotionally
- Not That Better
- Hard to Tell
- Summer Break
- The Mother of Trouble
- How Does It Even Stay There?
- Acting Naturally
- Friendly Enough
- Time To Play Quiet
- Surprise Factor
- Itchy Undies
- My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad
- Just Fantastic
- This is the Fight Scene, Pt. 1
- This is the Fight Scene, Pt. 2
- This is the Fight Scene, Pt. 3
- Anywhere Else
- Defense Mechanism
- Prolonged Sentence
- Ones for Others
- Progress
- A Bit Misunderstood
- Off Key, On Time
- Rant in E Minor
- For Every Tune
- Slide Vibrations
- Tough Crowd
- Show Closer
- Smash Hit
- The After Party
- Encore
- Scrabble, Then
- And Now, Sleep Well
- The Sniffles
- Even If She Tried
- You Wouldn’t Want That?
- Oh, Well
- Doodl-ie Dah
- Photorealistic
- Taking Action… Eventually
- At Least They Stopped
- What Indeed
- Only a Dream…
- Like The Rest Of This Story
- Sense of Humor
- Distraction is Key
- Helping Hurts
- And So Should You
- On The Spot
- Cross-Attack
- You Speak My Language
- Friends, Friends
- Fred the Friendly Fdragon
- Deenner Party
- Trusty Beef
- He’s Nice
- D’oh, Well…
- Not the Pie!
- So Long, Fred…
- Line of Defense
- You’re Your
- Gift-Horse
- (Don’t) Show Me The World
- Be The Star
- Holidays Break
- Ultima
- And a Private Plane
- One Little Detail
- Oddities
- Just Fine
- Promises
- Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes
- …And Repeat
- Quest… For A Better Name
- Dishonor
- Hemorrhoids
- Tools of Progress
- Terms
- Convincing
- Resignation
- Situation
- Hiding
- Appearing
- Hurt
- Fight
- Weak
- Shoo
- Anger
- Embrace
- Bored
- Point
- Sudden
- Plap
- Strategy
- Realization
- Rescue
- Circle
- Bloodletting
- Taste of Experience
- Hide and Seek
- [Insert Super Mario Pipe Sound]
- Flinch, You Lose
- Speed Painting
- Out for a Roll
- Excuse Me
- Don’t Mind Me
- Three Points
- Will Never use It Again
- Cone (?) of Shame
- Ahoy There
- Next: A Thimble
- A Faint Scent
- Gotcha
- Almost There
- Fact-Checked Fables
- On The Nose
- These Are Real
- The Dragon Slayer
- A Bit Inflated
- We Forgot This Fact
- So Cast Your Fears Away
- No One To See Here
- To The Point
- Deadly Thoughts
- Not Recommended
- He Technically Did
- So Long…
- Rusting
- Too Much Paranoia
- Speak When Obvious
- Sound Signal
- Helps Making Friends
- Forgot to Mention
- Not a David Bowie
- Better Trade
- I’ll Let You Know When I Can See Again
- D’aw, Bugger…
- And Awkward
- Understandable Confusion
- All Honesty
- Papercuts
- Full Coverage
- Ready or Not
- Building Tension
- Better Late Than Never
- No Guilt
- Artistic Statement
- Because “Lance” Sounds Stupid
- Not Far Enough
- Happens, Right?
- Eyes on the Road
- Seriously, Eyes on the Road
- New Diet
- Summer Break!
- Update/FYI
In medieval times, not only were farm animals put on trial (and found guilty), but inanimate objects as well. It made sense, since the government, besides wars, had nothing better to do and people got entertained easily with nonsense.