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Year One Begins
Maddie and Spam
Camp Songs and Legends
Crazy Campfire
What the... ?
The Birthday Rap
Sunny's Phone
Siesta and Capture the Flag
The Jedi
End of Day 2
Day 3 Begins
Lucky Charms
The Archery Record
Hesselman's Cave
Eating Bugs
The Showers
Day 4 Begins
The Antidote
The Camp Out
End of Day 4
Day 5 Begins
Talent Show Ideas
Horseback Riding
Talent Show
End of Day 5
Last Day of Camp Begins
Chicken Nugget Day
Other kids?!
Goodbye, Zee
Heading Home
Bob and Izzy McCabe
Na na na na na na na ... Bat-cat!
I Am The Night
Do You Hear Something?
Wait For The Beep
Just in Time for Halloween
The Plausibility of Existence
127 Years Later
Jane Goodall and Frida Kahlo
We Forgot the Peanut Butter Cups!
The Star Wars Fan
YEAR 2 Begins!
Introducing Wyatt
Meet Bongo, Your Counselor
Izzy and Jorge Meet Face to Face
Ketchup on Pizza
Noisy Camper Hacks by Bongo
Spam in Disguise?
Spam Arrives at Camp
Miguel Sanchez
Flashlight Tag
The Flashback
He Learned From the Best
Play Ball!
Uncle Gary?
Where's Bob?
The Storm
Spam, You're A Genius!
The Question Captain
It'll Cost You Two S'mores
Cat's Never Worry
Come, Robin!
Day 4 Ends
A Bigfoot Sighting
Trading Post Debt
One Scary Thing Left
Hesselman's Cave, Year Two
Trash Talk
The Dance, Part 1
The Dance, Part 2
Last Day of Camp Begins
Lost and Found
The Archery Contest
Just Because You Can Talk...
The Meaning of Life
Bob Was At Camp Too
Campfire Tales!
The Tales Are True!
We Still Know Where 80% of Our Campers Are
Attention campers! I am in the process of uploading a lot of older episodes so EVERY Camp of the Odd strip will be available here. Please be patient as I format the older strips for this platform. And thanks for reading! (C) John Haney 2019 You can also find the strip on Facebook @campoftheodd.