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Character Intros
He Licc
He Blep
Fishing for Compliments
Keith's First Confession
Size Doesn't Matter
A Dumb Merman Comic
The Merman's Gift
A Typical Bro-Date
Feeding the Kitty
Species Swap (doodles)
Pickup Lines for Demons
Cursed Booty
Halloween Costumes 🎃 (doodles)
An Entralling Conversation
When he sees the...
Missing You
Keith's Second Confession (p 1/3)
🎄Christmas Card🎄 (Illustration)
Keith's Second Confession (p 2/3)
Keith's Second Confession (p 3/3)
Growing Up
Kissy Kissy
Crossover Fun (Illustration comp)
Shapeshifting Shenanigans (p 1/2)
Shapeshifting Shenanigans (p 2/2)
Natural Heater
Gloves Off
Merman/Siren Sky Illustrations
10K Sub Celebration on Tapas!
A New Challenger Approaches (1/4)
Shortest Night Collab (Tapas BL Event)
A New Challenger Approaches (2/4)
A New Challenger Approaches (3/4)
A New Challenger Approaches (4/4)
Stargazing 🌠 (Banner Illustration)
The Nightmare (Gore Warning)
Chibi-dachis: Halloween Special 🎃
Raphael's Report
Moonlight (1/2)
Saturnalia BL Collab 🌿
Moonlight (2/2)
Character Spotlight: Sky
The Demon Hunters (1/5)
The Demon Hunters (2/5)
Chibi-dachis: Heated Blanket
The Demon Hunters (3/5) (gore warning)
The Demon Hunters (4/5)
The Demon Hunters (5/5)
Need a Hand?
Halloween Cosplay (Illustration)
Demon Bullies
Winter Warmth 🧣
Catboi Shenanigans
Flying (1/2)
Flying (2/2)
This one is sort of a glimpse into Sky's past life at various stages and how the people around him perceived him. Eventually I want to try highlighting some events from his past life in short comics, but hopefully the surrounding dialogue provides enough context clues about whats going on for now. Of course if you have any questions, feel free to ask!