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Become a PatronPrologue
Who is that?
I got you
On the way
Horses (part 1)
Horses (part 2)
Encounter (part 1)
Encounter (part 2)
Birthday special: Teo & Nico
Special: Día de muertos
Doubt (part 1)
Doubt (part 2)
Birthday special: Joaquin
Prey (part 1)
Prey (part 2)
Prey (part 3)
A drink (part 1)
A drink (part 2)
A drink (part 3)
Special: Valentine’s Day
Thank you so much for reading the prologue of Ballad of Monte Cruz! I hope you liked it and we can continue this ride together. There will be new episodes every two weeks on Thursdays at 10 am PST. If you want to support me and get extra content and early access you can join my patreon or ko-fi, however just by having you as a reader helps a lot, thanks!