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Ep.1: What happened last night?
Ep.2: Walking home from the club (scary)
Ep.3: Maybe love at first sight is a thing
Ep.4: But how about love at second sight?
Ch.5: Who ARE you?
Ch.6: Home is where...
Ch.7: ...I feel safe
Ch.8: All I own can fit into this box
Ch.9: Every morning could be this sweet
Ch.10: Date Night
Ch.11: I wish I could forget
Ch.12: Lets play a bit longer
Ch.13: Lucky number 13
Ch.14: The hunter and the..?
Ch.15: Works a little too well, actually
Ch.16: I lived many lives before meeting you
Ch.17: I cry at funerals and weddings
Ch.18: Average day at work
Ch.19: Lab rat in a cage
Me: *Have one job, which is to schedule the episode for a Friday* Also me: *Somehow schedules it for a Thursday. Whoops.*