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Become a PatronEp. 1 - The New Blood
Ep. 2 - That Dog Won't Hunt
Ep. 3 - The Bone Orchard
Ep. 4 - According to Hoyle
Ep. 5 - The Redhorns
Ep. 6 - Shadow of the Coyote
Ep. 7 - That's How You Get Ants
Ep. 8 - An Apple A Day
Ep. 9 - The Art Of The Gun
Ep. 10 - The Six Gangs
Apollonia Q&A
Ep. 11 - We Ride
Action Contest Announcement!
Ep. 12 - Meet the Coyotes
Ep. 13 - Movie Night
Ep. 14 - Family Matters
Ep. 15 - Walk Tall
Ep. 16 - Shootout at Sweet Water
Ep. 17 - My Valkyrie
Ep. 18 - Old Wounds Pt 1
Ep. 19 - Old Wounds Pt 2
Ep. 20 - Old Wounds Pt 3
Ep. 21 - I Am The Devil
Ep. 22 - There Is Always A Better Gun
Ep. 23 - Remember This Feeling
Ep. 24 - How To Deal With Feelings
Ep. 25 - One Foot In Darkness, One Foot In Light
Ep. 26 - The Nightmare
Ep. 27 - The River And The Greedy Woman
Ep. 28 - Birth Of The Coyotes
Ep. 29 - Dead Mans Hand
Ep. 30 - O' Bury Me Not
Ep. 31 - Cookie the Cutter
Ep. 32 - An Apple A Day
Merry Christmas
Ep. 33 - A Man Of Culture
Ep. 34 - A New Sheriff In Town
Ep. 35 - One-And-Done
Ep. 36 - Cassie's Enthusiastic Walk
Ep. 37 - Fake Cowgirl Moviestar
Ep. 38 - Sweat an' Blood
Ep. 39 - Mexican Style
Special Announcement
Ep. 40 - Steeled Resolve
Ep. 41 - Checkmate In Two
Ep. 42 - Just A While Longer
Ep. 43 - That's How I Am
Webtoon Canvas Pride Month
Ep. 44 - Ride-Or-Die
Ep. 45 - Hotfire
Ep. 46 - Alma Stands Tall
Another Announcement
Ep. 47 - So Sayeth The Mountain
Ep. 48 - Remember Us
Ep. 49 - The Black Hat
Ep. 50 - She's Mine
Ep. 51 - When's the Wedding?
Ep. 52 - The Ballad Of Perry The Prince
Ep. 53 - The Twins Like Tea
Ep. 54 - Welcome To The Family
(S1 Finale) Ep.55 - Darkness and Light
Special Announcement
(S2) Ep. 56 - Lessons
(S2) Ep. 57 - Jalisco es México
(S2) Ep. 58 - Enter Gabby
(S2) Ep. 59 - The Biggest Fan
(S2) Ep. 60 - She's Always Smiling
(S2) Ep. 61 - The Genius Cook
(S2) Ep. 62 - The Little Helpers
She put up a good fight
(S2) Ep. 63 - The Good Doctor
(S2) Ep. 64 - Let's play
(S2) Ep. 65 - Why do ya wanna get strong?
New Series Announcement!
(S2) Ep. 66 - Fifteen Minutes
(S2) Ep. 67 - "Old and Stubborn"
(S2) Ep. 68 - "The Rising Phoenix"
(S2) Ep. 69 - "Esper"
(S2) Ep. 70 - "Dii Shipíte Dúxpe"
(S2) Ep. 71 - "The Helldog"
(S2) Ep. 72 - "Iron Arm"
Merry Christmas
(S2) Ep. 73 - "The Redhorn"
(S2) Ep. 74 - "The Dark Side of History"
Thanks for 2,000 subscribers so far! We're working on a thank you image. Hopefully we can hit 3,000 sometime! Like I said previously, over the course of these next few episodes you will get to meet the other characters and learn a little more about them and what they do as members of the Red Horns. In the old days "Cookie" was the nickname that was given to the wagon cook on long trail rides.