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Become a PatronPrologue + Ep 1: Mission Start!
Ep 2: The God Controlling the Past
Ep 3: The Future is Less Bleak With You
Ep 4: Fateful Reunion
Ep 5: Limit Break
Ep 6: The Power of Envy
Ep 7: Just Getting Started + Merry Christmas!
Break Notice
Ep 8: Just as Plannned
Ep 9: Your Affection
Ep 10: Mission...Complete?
Ep 11: A Different Kind of Help
Ep 12: The Burden of Being the Strongest
Ep 13: The Awakening
Ep 14: Introductions and Responsibilities
Ep 15: Best Solution?
Bonus: Pride Month!
Ep 16: New Appearance, New Goal
Ep17: A Trip Down Memory Lane Pt.1
Ep 18: A Trip Down Memory Lane Pt.2
Thank You for 100 Subs!
Ep 19: A Broken Promise
Ep 20: Love Me, Love Me, Love Me
Ep 21: Back to Reality
100 Sub Special - Q&A with the cast!
Anniversary Announcement!
Ep 22: Together At Last
Ep 23: Bitter Truths
Halloween Collab!
Bonus: One Year Anniversary!
Ep 24: Soul Link + Alan's Birthday!
Ep 25: Revelations
Ep 26: Not Perfect
Ep 27: Confrontation
Happy New Year + Happy Birthday Envy!
Valentine's Day Collab!
Ep 28: Here Comes Trouble
Ep 29: Partner
Ep 30: The DSSD
Ep 31: Meeting the King Pt. 1
Ep 32: Meeting the King Pt. 2
Ep 33: Unlikely Allies
Ep 34: Just a Kid
Ep 35: Name (Season Finale)
Pride Collab + Season 2 Release Date
Season One Recap + Horror Collab!
[S2 Premiere] Ep.36 - Fear
Ep.37 - Take Over (Pt. 1)
Ep.38 - Take Over (Pt. 2)
Ep 39: Trust
Ep 40: Doubt
Ep 41: No Way Out
Ep. 42: Sacrifice + Happy 2 Year Anniversary!
Ep. 43 - Brother
Fairytale Collab!
Happy New Year + Hiatus End!
Ep. 44 - Freedom
Ep. 45 - No More Sorrow
Ep. 46 - Wish
Ep. 47 - Payoff
Ep. 48 - Turning Tides
Ep. 49 - Do or Die + Glow Up Collab!
Ep. 50 - Spoken Vows
Ep. 51 - Dearest Family + Girls Love Collab
Ep. 52 - Incorrigible
Ep. 53 - Indestructible + Happy Anniversary!
Ep. 54 - Breaking the Taboo
Ep. 55 - Failure
Ep. 56 - Welcome To Hell