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Intro Cover
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Important Update!
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Another Delay Sadly
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Important message!
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Adventures of Phox, "Haunting Past"
Haunting past: Cover and page 1
Haunting Past: PG 2
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Haunting Past: PG 4
Haunting Past: PG 5
Haunting Past: PG6
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Haunting Past: PG 9
Haunting Past: PG 10
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Haunting Past: PG 13
Haunting Past: PG 14
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Haunting Past: PG 16
Haunting Past: PG 17
Haunting Past: PG 18
Haunting Past: PG 19 and PG 20
Good, it looks like Kap is calming down a little bit. Hopefully the entire G.A is doing like wise but I dare say they have good reasons for panicking! Commander Brass is eager to go get them Gazars! Him and his team are the most skilled soldiers in the Antonian, and you'll see why they are considered so coming up here in the next few pages.