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Everyone's a critic
Adam's Six Pack
Not so thin ice
The grass always look greener
Living with the fishes
Grizzly Facts
Half Empty
The Big Thaw
Vengeance, the dish best served cold
The result of the last cartoon
A little Rattled
Quick, quick, slow
One for the ladies
Blazing Inferno
Wine List
Late Valentines
Good Guidance
I think we all know the answer to this one
Bitter Pill
The arrival of Googol, our newest character
Not Lost in Translation
Tag Line
the Power of Positive Thought
Bad Taste
High as a Kite
Off Line Again
Weather Warning
And so it begins
Been there, said that.
Fussy Customer
Light Years Away
the Rock of Zen
Elastic Universe
Taking Orders
His Latest Trick
Yip Yap smack
Emotional Warfare
Not in full control of the facts
Bumpy Road Ahead
stormy weather ahead
Stress levels
House Proud
Fishing around
Nosing Ahead
Animal Calls
Blind Fear
Bearing its teeth
Wish I'd thought of this excuse
Pot Luck
All tied up
Hedging his bets
Thinking Ahead
Forward Thinking
Say it with Flowers
Truth hurts.
The first time
Week end bender
Heavy Studying
Cool idea
Ad. Feathers
Fish Tales
He sells sea shells
Tide Marks
Fishy Tales
Sound Advice
Dealing with Food Critics
Birthday None Wishes
Not a Happy Birthday
Banking on it.
Bank on it
pulling together
Magical emotion
Roasting weather
Light years behind
Pot Shot
Atom Bombed
Atom hearted
Atom fat
splitting the Atoms
Can't take it anymore
Old Dog new Tricks
Whaling about
Traffic Light Day
National Issues
Watering can do
the Great Provider
Boxing Clever
Burning Issue
To wit, the wag of a dogs tail.
Clean living
Dream Fisherman
Dream on
Dreaming at the Altar of Love
Vegetating in the head
Zen again
Danger signs
Fat lady singing
Martial Arts
Self Defence
Windy Days
Anti Social Meadia
Hot Date
Flame Grilled Fly
Cleaning up the act.
Mangling the Mouse
Moo've on over
double or nothing
Guess where we're going?
Lesser of two evils
Glass Half Full
Poop Squad
Sticks and Stones
Shark Attack!
Heavy Weather
On the 7th Day...
Affirmative Action
Looking forward to looking back
Stormy Weather
Three Second Warming
New Resolutions
Fishing on Thin Ice
Women Drivers