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Ep. 1 - The Fool
Ep. 2 - Among the Trees
Ep. 3 - Strength
Ep. 4 - Into the Unknown
Ep. 5 - Waltz of Poppies and Willows Pt.1
Ep. 6 - Waltz of Poppies and Willows Pt.2
Ep. 7 - Tie a Knot
Ep. 8 - The Magician
Ep. 9 - Go Home
Ep. 10 - Table For Four
Ep. 11 - The Hierophant
Ep. 12 - Send You Back + 500 Subs Bonus Illustration!
Ep. 13 - Sounds Lovely
Ep. 14 - Potion For Her Majesty
Ep. 15 - You Can Count On Me
Ep. 16 - Let’s Begin
Ep. 17 - The Hermit
Ep. 18 - Grow Into Something Beautiful
Ep. 19 - Looks Happier + Announcement!
Happy Holidays!
Intermission 1
Intermission 2
Ep. 20 - Childhood Friends
Ep. 21 - Awkward
Ep. 22 - I Don’t Dance
Ep. 23 - The Chariot
Ep. 24 - A Ton of Ballads
Ep. 25 - Cheese Buns
Ep. 26 - Another Step Towards It
Ep. 27 - Same Thing
Ep. 28 - Enthusiastic
Ep. 29 - Guest
Ep. 30 - And You Too
Ep. 31 - Figure Everything Out
Ep. 32 - Empty Shells
Ep. 33 - Curious
Ep. 34 - Most Cherished Desire
Ep. 35 - A Picnic
Ep. 36 - Doesn’t Look Right
Ep. 37 - The Hanged Man
Ep. 38 - Edge Of The Blade
Ep. 39 - Breaking Through
Ep. 40 - Chains of Abyss
Ep. 41 - A Dream
Ep. 42 - A Child
Ep. 43 - Always
Ep. 44 - Injured + Bonus Q&A
Ep. 45 - Invocation
Ep. 46 - Let Me Help
Ep. 47 - It’ll Be Fine
Ep. 48 - The Devil
Ep. 49 - Deal
Ep. 50 - Good To Know
Ep. 51 - As a Reward
Ep. 52 - Golden Hour
Ep. 53 - Laurel’s Tail
Ep. 54 - I’m Home
Ep. 55 - Break Away
Ep. 56 - Trust
Ep. 57 - To Help And Protect
Ep. 58 - What If
Ep. 59 - Feeling Trapped
Ep. 60 - Meet Us Inside
Ep. 61 - The Lovers
Ep. 62 - Phenomena
Ep. 63 - The Empress
Ep. 64 - Stay By My Side
Ep. 65 - Taste of Blood
Ep. 66 - The Tower
Ep. 67 - TRAITOR
Ep. 68 - The Wheel of Fortune
Ep. 69 - Death
Ep. 70 - The Star
Ep. 71 - The Moon
Ep. 72 - The Sun
Ep. 73 - Judgement
Ep. 74 - The World (Pt. 1)
Ep. 75 - The World (Pt. 2)
A Letter to You! + Annoucement
Ep. 76 - Bangs
Ep. 77 - I'd Love To
Ep. 78 - Talk
Ep. 79 - Ears
Ep. 80 - Proof Of Love
Ep. 81 - Family Tradition
Ep. 82 - The High Lich (Pt. 1)
TBM Release Day Announcement!
Ep. 83 - The High Lich (Pt. 2)
Ep. 84 - Until I Found Her
Ep. 85 - Guest
Ep. 86 - Happy To See
are they gonna be friends or something? btw, happy first day of the summer!! i hope it's nice and sunny wherever you are right now <3