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Episode 0. Welcome to Wish Fulfillment!
ep.1-1 "Rough Night"
ep.1-2 "Toto..."
ep.1-3 "Discovery"
ep.1-4 "just check the box"
ep.1-5 "terms shmerms, let's rub one out anyway"
ep.1-6 hittn' snooze
ep.1-7 Take the plunge!
ep.1-8 ka-BOOM!
ep.1-9 Uh-Oh...
ep.1-10 OH F@#K! it's a girl! RUN BRO!!
ep.1-11 It's just a prank bro!
ep.1-12 Cashin' in
ep.1-13 The End!
ep.1-13+1 the end?
ep.1-14 Same as it ever was...
ep.1-15 No Shirt, no shoes, no service...
ep.1-16 Welcome back! Again!
ep.1-17 House keeping...
ep.1-18 Da Rulez
ep.1-19 Un-planned Obsolescence
ep.1-20 Checking it twice...
ep.1-21 the One and Only...
ep.1-22 An Unstoppable idiot...
ep.1-23 meets an Immovable Dumb@#$
ep.1-24 "Saved" by the Bell
ep.1-25 Put those toys away!
ep.1-26 Regret and Foreboding...
ep.1-27 Ok... but like HOW badly?
ep.1-28 Shock and Awe! (alt)
ep.1-29(alt) You look lonely...
ep.1-30 10k Arms, 10k eyes, 2 brain cells...
ep.1-31 He has no style... He has no grace...
OF#1 Happy Halloween 2024!
ep.1-32 Intro's and hors d'oerves
ep.1-33 Pool's (not) closed
ep.1-34 The Ol' taste test...
ep.1-35 Beware the still... and the spill
ep.1-36 Big Trouble in Little Paradise...
ep.1-37 Here's the leak Ma'am
ep.1-38 Professional Courtesies
ep.1-39 Folding Pressure
ep.1-40 State Unspecified
ep.1-41 Would You Kindly?
ep.1-42 Run that back Again.
OF#2 A Merry Christmas Shift
ep.1-44 Genie RAGE
ep.1-45 Drip Drop
ep.1-46 the sound of defeat
ep.1-47 A Moment of Truth
ep.1-48 the source of all her problems...
ep.1-49 Over the Target
ep.1-50 Secret Hideout #1
ep.1-51 Show and Tell
ep.1-52 Le Grand Tour
ep.1-53 The Inferior Stuff
ep.1-54 The Good Stuff
ep.1-55 My Magical Mystery McGuffin
ep.1-56 Words of Power
ep.1-57 Pretty (not so little) Liar...
ep.1-58 Obsession
ep.1-59 Poolin' Ain't Easy...
ep.1-60 20 Years a Slave
ep.1-61 Madder than a Hatter
ep.1-62 It Wasn't a Kiddie Pool...
ep.1-63 Denial, Bargaining, Anger...
And I just want to grill...