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Become a PatronPrelude - The ingredients for magic
Entry 1
Interlude - Fishing
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4
Interlude - Not a word
Entry 5
Entry 6
Interlude - Scream
(Call To Action)
Entry 7
Entry 8
Entry 9
Entry 10
Interlude - War
Entry 11
Interlude - Arthur
Entry 12
Entry 13
Interlude - Bloody witch
Entry 14
Entry 15
Entry 16
Interlude 7 - Bullies
Entry 17
Entry 18
Interlude 8 - Choice
Entry 19
Entry 20
Entry 21
Interlude - Kingsmen
Entry 22
Interlude - Liar
Entry 23
Entry 24
Entry 25
Entry 26
Entry 27
Entry 28
Entry 29
Interlude - Forbidden
Entry 30
Interlude - The room
Entry 31
Entry 32
Interlude - Karina
Entry 33
Interlude - Under the ice
Interlude - Safe
Interlude - The trade
Interlude - Desperation
Interlude - Foolish mistake
Interlude - Non nocere
Interlude - Sin
Interlude - Thumping
Entry 34
Arthur's notes on mindsmithing
Entry 35
Entry 36
Interlude - Mara
Entry 37
Entry 38
Interlude - Lance
Entry 39
Entry 40
Entry 41
(Second Anniversary)
Interlude - Rebellion
(Happy Valentines!)
Entry 42
Interlude - Blacktips
Entry 43
(You Got April Fooled)
Interlude - Cinderella
Entry 44
Entry 45
Entry 46
Entry 47
Interlude - Dancing
Interlude - Treason
Entry 48
Interlude - Gloves
Entry 49
Entry 50
Entry 51
Arthur's notes on Dragon's blood Vestige
Entry 52
Entry 53
Interlude - Spy
Entry 54
Entry 55
Interlude - Odd group
Interlude - Voice
(Anniversary #3)
Interlude - To the forest
New Wintercircle episode is up!
Thanks DerpSeaFish for designing the gloriously complicated armor of the kingsmen <3