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- Treasure Hunters for Hire
- Sudden Employment
- The Scavengers
- Excavation Team
- Journey in the Dark
- Double Doubts
- Ghosts of the Past
- Grinding Gears
- Mecha My Day
- Death free Warren-ty
- Promise to Not Kill
- A Moonlit Tomb
- Life Left to Luck n' Heaven
- Power of the Storm
- Sunk in Despair
- Unexpected Rescue
- Some Assembly Required
- Artificial Smugness
- End of a Treasure Hunt!
- Epilogue (TW: Abstract Blood)
Yup, this is it. This is when I took a long break from making these chapters, so excuse me if you wonder why Warren is missing the oil he had on his arm. I honestly forgot I made that detail until it was too late. It was the complexity of this upcoming fight that was just so hard for me to plan out you know? Also, Beschumer is now out on of my favorite old timey curse words.